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如果要评选最不“安静”城市,相信一定是那个令人无不惊讶的温州。说它不安静,是因为这座和青岛面积、人口数量相当的城市,总是步履匆匆和富有动感。总是有着说不完的创业和致富佳话。即使各种媒体曾无数次寻访和探秘,但有关温州为什么民营经济能够做大?老百姓为什么能够富裕?似乎是永远都说不完和写不尽的话题。尽管也是沿海开放城市,也地处浙江境内,但与我今年1月在宁波的采访感触有着很大不同。这里,没有宁波那般城市建设,更没有宁波国有大企业和民营企业共存的景象。这里有的恐怕就是绵延百里、层峦叠嶂,似乎永远都走不出去的大山。做大的奥秘在前往温州的路上,50多岁的陈先生算是我的第一个采访对象。他告诉我,他的家还不在温州城里,在温州南面紧邻福建的苍南山区。是这次直接遭遇17级台风的重灾区。说起发展,有着温州人传统并不愿张扬性格的老陈,却异乎寻常打开了话匣子。 If you want to select the most “quiet” city, I believe it must have been surprisingly Wenzhou. Say it is not quiet, because this city and the size and population of Qingdao, always walking in a hurry and full of movement. There are always endless entrepreneurial and rich story. Even though various media have searched and explored countless times, why does the private economy in Wenzhou become bigger and why ordinary people can become affluent? It seems to be a topic that can never be finished or written forever. Although it is also an open coastal city and is also located in Zhejiang Province, it is quite different from what I interviewed in Ningbo in January this year. Here, there is no such as Ningbo city construction, nor the coexistence of state-owned large enterprises and private enterprises in Ningbo scene. Some here is probably stretches Barry, layers of peaks, seems never to go out of the mountains. Bigger mystery on the way to Wenzhou, 50-year-old Mr. Chen be my first interviewee. He told me that his home is still not in Wenzhou City, south of Wenzhou, Cangnan Mountain in Fujian. This is the hardest hit by the 17 typhoon this directly. Speaking of development, with the traditional Wenzhou people do not want to publicize personality Chen, but unusually opened the chatterbox.
林正刚 思科系统(中国)网络技术有限公司总裁  1958年出生于香港。  1991年已任DEC公司中国区总经理6年  1998年全面负责DEC整体营销战略及运作。  1998年加入思科系统(中国)公司,负责除服务提供商领域以外的所有中国业务。  2006年担任思科系统(中国)网络技术有限公司总裁正好1年。  在一个组织里面,领导者的工作就是要保证那些动态的变化,能够在一种平稳的状态中发生。而品德,
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