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学生是国家未来的建设人才,也是学习的主人,而教师则是学生学习的引导者、组织者与合作者。新的《数学课程标准》指出,有效的数学学习,不可仅仅依靠记忆与模仿,还需要学生亲自动手实践,去主动探索与合作;对于小学数学教师而言,要转变思想,改变过去以课本、以教师为中心的教学方式,不断探索新的教学方法。本文对现阶段教师教学创新进行了较为深入的探讨,关于备课创新、教学创新等多个方面,对在新课标理念下,如何开展有效的数学教学工作进行了细致的研究,进行了总结。 Students are the construction talents of the country’s future and the masters of learning, while the teachers are the guides, organizers and collaborators of student learning. The new “Mathematics Curriculum Standard” points out that effective mathematics learning can not rely solely on memory and imitation. It also requires students to take the initiative to explore and cooperate with each other. For primary school mathematics teachers, they should change their thinking and change the past to use textbooks, Teachers as the center of teaching methods, and constantly explore new teaching methods. This article has made a more in-depth discussion on teachers’ teaching innovation at this stage, and has carried on the detailed research on how to carry out effective mathematics teaching work under the new curriculum standard concept and made a summary about the preparation lesson innovation and teaching innovation.
为了贯彻落实《教育部关于进一步深化本科教学改革全面提高教学质量的若干意见》(教高(2007) 2号)的精神,进一步推动和深化首都高等学校教育教学改革,提高高等教育质量,北京
Pan and field experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of surface film on ammonia volatilization from water and paddy soil. The results showed that
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今年11月1日,是西南联合大学建校50周年,是一个值得纪念的日子。 1937年抗战爆发,原来在华北的北大、清华和南开三所大学迁到湖南,组成长沙临时大学。日军继续南侵,长沙被炸