Model Research on the Effect of Surface Film on Ammonia Volatilization from Rice Field

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eacy_tang
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Pan and field experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of surface film on ammonia volatilization from water and paddy soil. The results showed that the addition of the surface film on floodwater reduced the rate of ammonia volatilization, however, the reduction of the latter varied greatly with its rates of addition. Jayaweera-Mikkelsen ammonia volatilization model with the introduction of a parameter Kf, a relative measure of the resistance of the surface film on ammonia volatilization, was used to elucidate the effectiveness of the surface film on lowering ammonia volatilization. The Kf value was calculated from the results ob- Pan and field experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of surface film on ammonia volatilization from water and paddy soil. However, the reduction of the said substantially increased greatly with its rates of addition. Jayaweera-Mikkelsen ammonia volatilization model with the introduction of a parameter Kf, a relative measure of the resistance of the surface film on ammonia volatilization, was used to elucidate the effectiveness of the surface film on lower ammonia volatilization. Kf value was calculated from the results ob-
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