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明末清初以传教为契机的中西文化交往关系之课题现已成为一大学术热点,中外学者对此作出了广泛而深入的研究和探讨,本文以问题为核心,从四个方面对已有的学术成果进行了总体性的反思:一是就传教士之主动因应与被动附会问题提出了“文化的双重强制”观点,指出传教士与中国入教儒士在受制于中西文化之双重强制的同时,也开启了超出单一文化桎梏的双重视域,从而造成了对于中西文化的一种奇特贯通;二是从现代的学理脉络之下对“明末清初中西文化对话论”提出质疑,指出这次中西文化交往关系远非现代学术意义上的“对话”,因为构成交往关系的各方无一例外都是“真教惟一论”、“正道惟一论”者;三是结合对法国汉学家谢和耐的名著《中国与基督教》之评议,反驳了以此书为代表的明末清初中西文化“错位论”观点,指出中西文化之间的意义传递实有赖于话语中介的形成;四是提出了中西文化交往中的“理解”问题,并以笔者近作《明末清初传教士对儒家经典的解释及其本土回应》为例,阐述了以“理解”为方法论线索来探讨中西文化互动机制的理论价值与现实意义。 The topic of the relationship between Chinese and western cultures at the turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties with the missionary mission has now become a hot academic spot. Both Chinese and foreign scholars have made extensive and in-depth studies and discussions on this issue. Taking the issue as the core, The first part is the proposition of “dual coercion of culture” on the missionary initiative and passive attachment, pointing out that both missionaries and Chinese educated Confucians are subject to the dual coercion of Chinese and Western culture At the same time, it also opens up a double horizon beyond the single culture, resulting in a peculiar trait to Chinese and Western cultures. Second, it challenges the “Dialogue between Chinese and Western Culture in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties” The relationship between Chinese and Western cultures is far from “dialogue” in the modern academic sense because the parties that form the relationship are all “monotheistic religions” and “just monologues” without exception; and thirdly, they combine Xie Haifei, a French sinologist The commentary on “China and Christianity” disproved the viewpoint of “dislocation” between Chinese and Western cultures in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties represented by this book and pointed out the significance of the relationship between Chinese and Western cultures The fourth is to put forward the problem of “comprehension” in the cultural exchanges between China and the West. Taking the author’s recent book, “Interpretation of the Confucian Classics and Local Response by the Missionaries in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties” as an example, “Understanding” as Methodological Clues to Explore the Theoretical Value and Practical Significance of the Interaction Mechanism between Chinese and Western Cultures.
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