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一个产业,在半年内由国家领导人对其做了13次批示;连续在两年中成为从国内到国际、从中央到地方的热议话题;能让其相关概念股在资本市场上不断书写新的传说和篇章;能造成整个行业内部处处惊叹:价格上涨何时可稳?国务院和各部委接连不断、节节逼紧的出台稀土产业导向与新规;行业《准入》条件、《稀土工业污染物排放标准》、企业清洁生产评审、国家指令性生产计划和出口配额下达等等,都成为检验企业能否生存的重要法码……。当一个产业到了让国际论坛象对石油大鳄一样警觉的时候,也恰好应证了这个产业对于国际新兴战略 One industry has given 13 directives to state leaders within six months; has continuously become a heated topic from the domestic to the international and from the central government to local governments in two years; it can keep its relevant concept stocks continuously written in the capital market New legends and chapters; can cause excitement throughout the industry: when prices can be stable? State Department and various ministries after another, steadily pressing the introduction of rare earth industry-oriented and new regulations; industry “access” conditions, “rare earth Industrial pollutant discharge standards, ”corporate clean production assessment, national mandatory production plans and export quotas issued, etc., have become an important method to test the existence of an enterprise code ... .... When an industry to make the international forum as alert as the predators, but also should just prove that the industry for the international emerging strategy
太极芋泥是闽菜中有名的甜食,盛传百余年而不衰.芋泥乍看好似凉菜,实却烫口得很.相传,缘此还有一段趣闻:1839年,林则徐到广州禁烟时,英、德、美、俄等国的领事在宴会上安 T
炸鱼 原料:鳕鱼,葱,油,醋。 制法:1.把鱼中刺剔出。 2.用盐水洗一下,用干布吸干水分。 3.把姜末,酒,盐,料酒,在碗中调好。 Fried fish ingredients: cod, onion, oil, vine
诗人与美酒,自古结缘甚深,元人方回即指出:“诗与酒常并言,未有诗人而不爱酒者也;虽不能饮者,其诗中亦未尝无酒焉.”(《瀛奎律髓序》) Poets and wines, deeply rooted in
莜面是张家口和内蒙古包头一带颇受欢迎的主食.莜面不仅可口喜食,而且蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪等含量都超过白面;人体必需的八种氨基酸含量也很 Kamen is the popular sta
(一)燕窝,是金丝燕沁出的粘液与其绒羽筑垒而成的窝巢。它既可以制成美味佳肴,又是珍贵的滋补佳品。可它是怎样被人发现的呢? (A) of the bird’s nest, is a silky nest mad
湘西晒酱是湘西民间的传统调味品.这种酱,色泽红艳,香辣可口,是当地极受欢迎的调味品之一. Xiangxi sauce is the traditional Western folk spices, the color Hongyan, s
月经小档案 定义 月经是成熟女性大约每月一次的周期性子宫出血,经阴道排出体外。是成熟女性的标志。 原因身体内的激素分泌使子宫内膜进行周期变化,以备孕育胎儿。如果没有
“上有天堂,下有苏杭” 自古以来,人们一直这样赞美杭州.北宋著名诗人柳永在《望江潮》一诗中描绘杭州是“东南形胜,江吴都会,市到珠玑,户盈罗绮”的繁华之都. “There is