
来源 :消防技术与产品信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwwerroo
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本文剖析了当前全国火灾形势 ,运用具体的火灾统计数据和具有代表性的对比资料 ,分析了火灾特点及存在问题的主要原因 ,认为 2 0 0 1年我国火灾形势较前几年有所缓解 ,特别是群死群伤火灾事故有大幅度的下降 ,主要原因是国务院及各级人民政府组织开展了公众聚集场所消防安全专项治理 ,消除了一大批火灾隐患 ,消防安全环境有所改善。但是消防工作与经济、社会发展不相适应的矛盾 ,过去遗留下来的各种影响消防安全的问题并未从根本上解决。因此 ,对2 0 0 2年的火灾形势依然要保持高度警惕。同时还对防范恐怖破坏事件所引起的火灾、对加入 WTO后带来的机遇与挑战 ,以及消防工作如何适应城市化和城市现代化进程加速发展的新形势进行了认真的思考 ,提出了要尽快研究制定高层建筑应急疏散设施 ;组织和建立以消防特勤队为主的应付突发事件的社会联动机制 ;做好消防法律、法规、技术规范的立、改、废工作 ;切实落实城市消防规划 ,增加编制 ,加大经费投入 ,组建社区志愿消防队和义务消防队 ;尽快建立与国际接轨的社会消防管理新机制等建议。 This paper analyzes the current situation of the fire in our country, analyzes the main characteristics of the fire and the existing problems by using specific fire statistics and representative comparative data. It is believed that the fire situation in our country has been eased in 2001 compared with the previous years, In particular, the death toll from the mass deaths of herdsmen’s groups has dropped significantly. The main reason is that the State Council and the people’s governments at all levels organize special fire safety control in the public gathering places, eliminating a large number of fire hazards and improving the fire safety environment. However, the contradiction between the fire fighting work and the economic and social development is not solved fundamentally. Various problems left over from the past that affect the fire safety have not been solved fundamentally. Therefore, the fire situation in 2002 still needs to remain highly vigilant. At the same time, he also seriously considered the fire caused by the terrorist destruction incident, the opportunities and challenges brought by the accession to the WTO, and the new situation of how the fire protection work should be adapted to the acceleration of urbanization and urban modernization. He pointed out that we should study as soon as possible Develop emergency evacuation facilities for high-rise buildings; organize and establish a social linkage mechanism to deal with emergencies mainly with firefighters’ special teams; improve legislation, regulations and technical regulations on establishment, alteration and waste disposal of firefighting roads; earnestly implement urban firefighting plans and increase Preparation, increase funding, the formation of community volunteer fire brigade and volunteer fire brigade; as soon as possible with the international community to establish a new mechanism for managing fire and other recommendations.
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