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早产目前仍然是导致围产儿发病和死亡的主要原因,虽然现在临床广泛使用宫缩抑制剂、抗生素等治疗早产,但早产率并没有明显下降。经大量临床研究发现孕酮对预防早产有一定的作用,且有大量样本随机试验证实可适用于有自发早产史的孕妇,但其最佳用药途径、最佳用量、最佳给药时间及安全性仍有待临床试验进一步证实。 Premature birth is still the leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Although preterm birth is widely used in clinical practice, such as tocolytic agents and antibiotics, there is no obvious drop in preterm birth rate. After a large number of clinical studies found that progesterone to prevent preterm birth have a certain role, and a large number of randomized trials confirmed that the sample can be applied to pregnant women with spontaneous preterm birth, but the best route of administration, the optimal dosage, the best time to administer and safety Sex remains to be confirmed by clinical trials.
申请公布号:CN 106283785 A发明人:亚历山大·葛帅德申请人:安德里茨(中国)有限公司提供一种用于转鼓碎浆机的绞绳移除系统,以避免被迫停机并确保以恒定低功率消耗且不限制产
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欢迎投稿!欢迎订阅!欢迎刊登广告!CN14-1382/TS/ISSN 2096-0700主办:中国日用化学工业研究院国内邮发代号:82-377出版时间:每季末月28日/每册定价:25.00元CHINA DETERGENT&CO