Application of Schlumberger transverse profiling method to detecting a strike fault

来源 :Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gfdfh
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Because it is difficult to detect a strike fault, its physical properties are discussed in this paper. Using physical simulation, numerical modeling and the in situ data, the differences between the apparent resistivity of low resis-tivity model obtained by transverse profiling method (TPM) whose electrode array is vertical to the profile and those by longitudinal profiling method (LPM) whose electrode array is parallel to the profile are analyzed, respec-tively. Our results show that the former has much marked amplitudes of anomaly. Therefore, TPM can be used to detect a strike fault more effectively and locate it more precisely, and is expected to be a new approach for detect-ing a sliding fault. Kew words: strike fault; Schlumberger transverse profiling method; physical simulation; numerical model-ing; application example Because it is difficult to detect a strike fault, its physical properties are discussed in this paper. Using physical simulation, numerical modeling and the in situ data, the differences between the apparent resistivity of low resistivity model obtained by transverse profiling method (TPM ) whose electrode array is vertical to the profile and those by longitudinal profiling method (LPM) whose electrode array is parallel to the profile are analyzed, respec-tively. Our results show that the former has much marked amplitudes of anomaly. Thus, TPM can be used to detect a strike fault more effectively and locate it more precisely, and is expected to be a new approach for detect-ing a sliding fault. Kew words: strike fault; Schlumberger transverse profiling method; physical simulation; numerical model- ing; application example
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