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目的:观察千金子中主要成分千金二萜醇二乙酸苯甲酸酯(Ⅰ)、千金子生品和不同含油量的千金子霜对小肠推进作用的影响。方法:采用复方地芬诺酯造成小鼠便秘模型,观察主要成分Ⅰ对小鼠排便潜伏期、便粒总数、便湿重、含水量等指标的影响。采用炭末推进试验法,比较各药及其不同剂量下对小鼠小肠的推进率的影响。结果:千金子中主要成分Ⅰ能明显增加便秘小鼠粪便的湿重及含水量,且粪便含水量的变化与给药剂量呈现一定的线性关系,随着给药量的增加,其含水量逐渐增加,但对便秘模型小鼠排便潜伏期、便粒总数影响不明显。千金子生品、不同含油量的千金子霜能不同程度加快小肠的蠕动。结论:千金子制霜后泻下作用缓和,千金二萜醇二乙酸苯甲酸酯为千金子中除千金子甾醇外另一泻下主要成分。 OBJECTIVE: To observe the effects of the main components of diolefin, dichoretinol diacetate benzoic acid ester (Ⅰ), Qianjinzi and Qianjinzi with different oil contents on small intestine propulsion. Methods: The mouse constipation model was induced by compound diphenoxylate and the effect of main component I on defecation latency, total pellet count, wet weight and water content of mice was observed. Adopting the charcoal propulsion test to compare the effects of different drugs and different dosages on the propulsive rate of small intestine in mice. Results: The main component I in Qianjin could significantly increase the wet weight and water content of the feces of mice with constipation, and the change of water content of feces showed a certain linear relationship with the dosage. The water content gradually increased with the increase of dosage Increase, but the constipation model mice defecation latency, the total number of particles is not obvious. A thousand gold products, different oil content of gold cream to different degrees to speed up the small intestine peristalsis. CONCLUSION: The effect of aloe vera after defalculation was alleviated. The daughter diterpene alcohol diacetate benzoate is the main component of the other diarrhea except for one thousand gold sterol.
本文报道用紫外分光光度法在285nm波长处测定达那唑栓剂中达那唑的含量。该方法平均回收率和RSD分别为99.8%和0.62%。结果表明紫外分光光度法可用于达那唑栓剂中的达那唑含量测定。 This artic
本研究认为,注射用头孢哌酮钠与木糖醇注射液(pH4.5~7.5)配伍后,在24h之内无外观配伍变化,不溶性微粒符合中国药典的规定,pH和含量基本无变化,二者配伍后,在24h之内可做静注或静滴。 In this study, a
实验在于明确外源性rIFN-α.rIFN-γ及流产布鲁氏杆菌(BA)诱导产生的内源性IFN在小鼠感染巴西日圆线虫(Nb)时对免疫应答的影响。 实验用8—12周龄BALB/c雌性小鼠, The expe
让半真半假、秘而不宣却又人尽皆知的“秘密”在公司里流传,HR如果坐视不管,可能会要了一个公司的命。职场每个角落都充斥着这样“公开的秘密”。 Let “secret ”