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21世纪,世界经济竞争日益激烈,作为我国经济发展重要支柱的石化企业实施战略成本管理有着举足轻重的作用。加入 WTO 后,面对国内外强大的竞争对手,石化企业转变经营机制,实施战略成本管理,是其提高竞争力的必然选择。 In the 21st century, the world economy is becoming more and more competitive. As an important pillar of China’s economic development, petrochemical enterprises have played a decisive role in the implementation of strategic cost management. After joining the WTO, faced with the strong competitors at home and abroad, petrochemical enterprises to change their operating mechanism and implement strategic cost management are their inevitable choice to enhance their competitiveness.
【正】 1 Economic functioning of petroleum and chemical industry in 2007 The industrial output value(current price)accomplished by the petroleum and chemical in
即使扫描速度快、配置好,但如果扫描质量不能满足要求,仍会在CHIP评测中落选。 Even if the scanning speed, configuration, but if the quality of the scan can not meet the r
Rational determination and reduction of local energy loss of oil flow at pipe junctions are of important significance to improve hydraulic pipeline’s work effi
处理器的功能并不代表全部:质量、人机特性和配置决定了排名,文件和服务也要考虑在内。 The processor does not mean that all the features: quality, ergonomics and confi
China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) discovered ten oil and gas fields on offshore areas like the Bohai Bay and Beibu Gulf in 2007.China National Pe
On January 31st,China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation(Sinopec Corp., HKEX:386;NYSE:SNP;LSE:SNP;SH:600028) and Saudi Basic Industries Corpo- ration(SABIC) si
(1)调整不当。如分离杠杆内端与压盘平面不平行,几个分离杠杆调整不一致或压臂压紧程度不相同,就会使压盘歪斜,造成离合器抖动。 (1) improper adjustment. If the inner en