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机械工业部可靠性技术考察代表团于去年11月8日至26日在日本进行了考察。考察团共走访、参观了15个单位,接待单位是日本科技联盟(JUSE)。这次考察涉及电子、电器、仪表、汽车、工程机械和电站设备等制造行业。国外可靠性技术主要用于宇航或军工方面、日本因军事工业很少,主要开发民用产品。从日本一年一度的可靠性和维修性会议报告内容来看,可靠性技术已经渗入到近30个产品领域。全国有统一的术语标准,电子产品的可靠性试验方法已形成国家标准。机械产品如汽车、工程机械、电站设备等也考虑可靠性指标。通过可靠性技术的开发应用,日本民用机电产品的可靠性水平提高相当显著。据介绍,从1971年到1981军十年中,电子设备的可靠性水平提高了100~1000倍,机械产品如电站设备,东芝(株)公布的数据是10年内开机率保持在99.72%的水平,日立(株)则声称其开机率可到99.90%,都远远超过美国机组水平。 Ministry of Machinery Industry Reliability Technology Delegation visited Japan from November 8 to November 26 last year. The delegation visited a total of 15 units and the reception unit was Japan Science and Technology Alliance (JUSE). The inspection involved in the electronics, electrical appliances, instruments, automobiles, construction machinery and power plant equipment and other manufacturing industries. Foreign reliability technology is mainly used for aerospace or military, Japan due to the military industry is small, the main development of civilian products. From Japan’s annual report on reliability and maintainability, reliability technologies have infiltrated nearly 30 product areas. The country has a unified terminology standards, electronic products, reliability testing methods have become national standards. Mechanical products such as automobiles, construction machinery, power plant equipment, etc. also consider the reliability index. Through the development and application of reliability technology, the reliability level of civil electrical and mechanical products in Japan has been remarkably improved. According to reports, from 1971 to 1981 military decade, the reliability level of electronic equipment increased 100 to 1000 times, mechanical products such as power plant equipment, Toshiba (strain) data released in 10 years, the operating rate remained at 99.72% level , Hitachi (strain) claims that its boot rate can be 99.90%, far more than the level of the United States unit.
针对Bowman -Cole用于石灰性土壤有机磷有效性分组方法的缺点 ,在吸收酸性水稻土改进法优点的基础之上 ,提出石灰性土壤活性有机磷和中度活性有机磷的分级方法。活性有机磷 ,
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从AES谱峰强度公式,我们导出了吸附层厚度和剥离速率表达式。并利用这些公式计算了A1样品表面吸附C和氧化铝层的厚度以及Ar~+束对它们的剥离速率。 From the AES peak inten
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Bell 实验室最近从实验上证实了具有高-低电场分布,吸收区和倍增区分开的异质结雪崩光电二极管(HI-LO SAM)的工作特性。以宽带隙层中有一掺杂峰为特点的新型结构与普通的 SA