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原料:鳗鱼、大小黄鱼或鲤鱼等淡水鱼鱼肉2.25公斤,盐0.05公斤,面粉0.5公斤,味精7.8克,糖12.5克,猪肉0.25公斤,鸡蛋0.125公斤.制法:1.将鱼洗净,去头,去骨,去皮,切成块,用绞向机摇两遍成肉泥.2.将绞碎的鱼肉泥加面粉拌匀,揉成粉团,再滚压成饺子皮一样的薄片.3.猪肉剔骨后入绞向机绞碎,加鸡蛋、盐、味精、糖等,搅拌成馅.4.裹馅方法如小水饺.5.将小饺入沸油锅内炸至浮起,即成色黄味美的龙凤卷. Ingredients: eel, freshwater fish such as yellowtail or carp 2.25kg, salt 0.05kg, flour 0.5kg, MSG 7.8g, sugar 12.5g, pork 0.25kg, egg 0.125kg Method: 1. Wash the fish, go Head, boneless, peeled, cut into pieces, with a twist to the machine shake twice into a mud .2 the minced fish paste plus flour mix, knead into a dough, and then rolled into the same dumpling sheet .3 pork deboning into the twist after the twist to the machine, add eggs, salt, MSG, sugar, stir into stuffing .4. Wrap stuffing methods such as small dumplings .5. Starting, that is fine yellow dragon flavored volume.
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