
来源 :广东职业技术教育与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjian26
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为探讨科学、高效率的手术室手术器械管理,笔者总结多年来本院手术室较先进的器械管理措施和方法,认为手术室手术器械管理必须从提高手术室护士的素质、细化器械管理责任为切入点,并对建立健全器械清单卡、无菌器械包的合理管理,手术中器械的管理和手术后仪器的管理多个方面的进一步完善和改进。实践证明:手术器械的分类放置,可以使护理人员在使用过程中做到心中有数;严格的手术器械交接、保养、查对制度,避免了器械丢失、遗漏等差错事故的发生;规范合理的器械管理,为各种手术提供了及时、准确、优质的器械保证,降低了安全隐患,提高了手术室护理质量。为了使手术器械得到更加科学化、合理化的管理,应采用“五常法”。 In order to explore the scientific and efficient management of operating room surgical instruments, the author summarizes the more advanced management methods and methods of operating instruments in our operating room over the years. He believes that the operating room surgical instruments management must improve the quality of operating room nurses and refine the responsibility of equipment management As the starting point, and further improve and improve the establishment and improvement of equipment list card, the rational management of sterile equipment package, the management of surgical instruments and the management of postoperative instruments. Practice has proved that: the classification of surgical instruments placed, you can make nursing staff aware of the use of the process; strict surgical instrument handover, maintenance, check the system to avoid the loss of equipment, errors and other omissions occurred; standardized and reasonable instruments Management, for a variety of surgical operations to provide a timely, accurate and high-quality equipment to reduce the security risks and improve the quality of operating room care. In order to get more scientific surgical instruments, rational management, should be used “five practices ”.
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病人:拔一颗牙要多少钱?牙医:150元。病人:只要几秒钟,为什么这么贵?牙医:如果您嫌快的话,我可以慢慢拔。 Patient: how much to pull a tooth? Dentist: 150 yuan. Patient
摘 要近年来,随着改革开放的持续深入和社会治理的深刻变革,越来越多的农村人进城务工,随迁子女亦在务工地入学接受教育,这些子女大都正处于思想启蒙、生长发育及性格养成的关键时期和学龄阶段,但由于缺乏完整的家庭教育、充足的经济保障、良好的引导监管,在心理、学习、身体上存在诸多问题。班主任的帮扶教育就显得极其重要,如何做好这类学生的教育管理工作,引导其健康成长成才,是每位班主任值得深思的问题。本文就以笔者
以上图片选自《奇幻梦境》(一本漫游奇境的手绘涂色书),作者Amil y Shen·沈凤如,由北京紫图图书有限公司策划,北京联合出版公司出版,定价49.90元。全国各地新华书店、民营书
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摘 要小学《科学》课程教学应以培养学生科学素养,提高学生学习兴趣为宗旨,在教学中有意的创造一些贴近学生生活的实例,让学生学会在生活中亲临体验科学的情感,学生了解到自然界中处处有科学,生活中处处是科学。那么在日常生活中自然就养成了用心观察,细心体会,专心探究的习惯,就能真正体会科学就在我们身边,科学就是为我们生活服务的。  【关键词】科学;教学;生活  小学科学是以培养学生科学素养和提高学生学习兴趣