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1987年4月的一天,我们专程走访了参加六届人大五次会议的辽宁代表宁佩英同志。“生产经营型企业的厂长要想当好家不理财不行。”这位女厂长开门见山,直言直语地说出了她的治厂经验。宁佩英同志原是学纺织的,三十下来,一直从事技术工作。1982年在大连工业企业管理干部培训班学习了六个多月的企业经营管理知识,当年担任了生产副厂长。1984年被任命为大连纺织厂的厂长。根据学习到的企业管理知识,她认识到当家不理财不行,于是她把多年来厂长主管计划的体制改为厂长直接主管财务工作。当时财务科人手少,有经验的人更少,为了搞好财务管理。更好地为生产服务,她选贤任能,调整人员结构。一方面依靠为数不多的老财会人员,一方面抓紧培养年轻的新手,充分调动财会人员的积极性。并任命了两名二十多岁的年轻科长,边干边培养边提高。几年的实践,这批业务新秀成了业务骨干,工作有了起色。年度财务决算报表做到了及时无误,财务大检查基本没有发现违反财经纪律的问题。这位能干的厂长认识到,要想把大连纺织厂变 One day in April 1987, we made a special trip to Comrade Ning Peiying, the representative of Liaoning, who participated in the Fifth Session of the Sixth National People’s Congress. “The director of a production-and-operating company wants to be a good family and not to be financially obliged.” The female factory manager opened his eyes and spoke bluntly about her experience in plant management. Comrade Ning Peiying was originally a student of textiles. After thirty years, he always engaged in technical work. In 1982, he had learned more than six months of business management knowledge in the Dalian Industrial Enterprise Management Officer training class, and then took the position of Deputy Director of Production. In 1984, he was appointed director of the Dalian Textile Factory. According to her knowledge of business management, she realized that her family would not manage her finances, so she changed the system that the director of the company had been responsible for over the years to the director who directly supervised the financial work. At the time, the Finance Section had fewer people and fewer experienced people, in order to do a good job of financial management. To better serve the production, she chooses virtuous people and adjusts the staff structure. On the one hand, it depends on a small number of old financial personnel, on the one hand, it is necessary to cultivate young novices and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the financial personnel. They also appointed two young chiefs in their twenties and raised them while training. A few years of practice, this batch of business rookie has become the backbone of the business and the work has improved. The annual financial statement report was timely and correct, and the financial inspection basically found no violation of financial and legal issues. The competent director realized that if he wanted to change Dalian Textile Factory
我孤独着我的寂寞,  没人理睬的世界    倔强地仰着头的忧郁少女,不去看周围三三两两聚集着的人群,只是紧紧地抿着嘴唇仰起头,眼底的落寞深深地定格在那一刻,在灰尘纷扰的嘈杂声中。  真讨厌呢!这使人眼睛不舒服的沙子,涩涩地让人想流泪。少女想,我只是眼睛里进了沙子而已。  周围依旧吵闹,女生们依旧讨论着“今天天气不错”“这次考试搞砸了”“某某班的老师真讨厌”等话题。偶尔也有些情窦初开的少女在议论某某
你是否已经对拥挤不堪的交通深恶痛绝?你是否也曾幻想过驾着云朵飞翔?或许在未来,这将不再只是一个梦想。纽约建筑师提戈·巴罗斯(Tiago Barros)最近就提出了一项大胆的解决
1968年4月4日,美国黑人民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金在领导工人罢工运动中遭到毒手,带着他未完成的梦想与世长辞了。那年,奥巴马7岁。谁也不会想到,40年后,这个曾经在肯尼亚大陆上奔跑过的黑人男孩儿,会成为美国的第一任黑人总统。当他在华盛顿宣誓就职时,全美国乃至全世界的黑人为之欢呼雀跃。我多么希望马丁·路德·金还活着,他能亲眼目睹这一切,带着热泪与微笑。  1925年3月12日,孙中山先生带着理想与
团队力量,战无不胜的神话。中交一航局二公司机械分公司是怎样创造5年内生产产值翻4番的跨越式发展新纪录? Team strength, invincible myth. How to create a new record o