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在中国哲学史上有不少思想自相矛盾的哲学家。对于这样的哲学家,如果我们能够指出他的矛盾之处,寻求其缘由所在,则对于吸取其中的理论思维的经验教训,提高我们的理论思维能力,是十分有益的。黄宗羲是十七世纪中国伟大的思想家和学者,但其思想有诸多矛盾之处,而且是中国哲学史上思想自相矛盾的哲学家中最突出的一位。笔者认为,黄宗羲思想的内在矛盾主要是他在当时社会条件下产生的民主思想和理学思想的矛盾,是这一矛盾规定和影响了他在哲学方面理气和心物(理)关系问题上的矛盾。遗憾的是,长期以来学术界很少有人涉及他的民主思想与理学思想的矛盾。而对于黄宗羲在哲学方面理气关系和心物(理)关系上的矛盾,学界中人虽偶有所论,似亦未能得出确解。本文重点论述黄宗羲的民主思想和理学思想的矛盾,并由此入手,论述他在理气和心物(理)关系问题上的矛盾,而且从理论渊源、时代背景和个人经历等方面说明其根由,以期得出确解。如有不妥,请方家和读者指正。 In the history of Chinese philosophy, there are many philosophers with conflicting ideas. For such philosophers, if we can point out the contradictions between them and seek the reasons for them, it is very beneficial for us to learn the experiences and lessons from theoretical thinking and improve our theoretical thinking ability. Huang Zongxi was a great thinker and scholar in China in the seventeenth century, but his thinking had many contradictions and was the most prominent one among the contradictory philosophers in the history of Chinese philosophy. The author believes that the internal contradictions of Huang Zongxi’s thought is mainly the contradiction between his democratic thought and his neo-Confucianism which was produced under the social conditions of the time. It is the contradiction between the contradiction and the contradiction between his philosophy and the relationship between psychology and psychology . Unfortunately, few scholars in academia have long been involved in the contradictions between his democratic ideas and the Neo-Confucianism. As for Huang Zongxi’s philosophical relationship between qi and mind (mind) on the relationship between the contradictions in academic circles, although occasionally discussed, it seems that also failed to come to an answer. This article focuses on the contradiction between Huang Zongxi ’s democratic thought and the Neo - Confucianism, and starts from this, discusses his contradiction between the relationship between the qi and the mind (reason), and explains its root from the origin of the theory, the background of the time and personal experience, In order to reach a clear solution. If wrong, please square and reader correct.
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