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战略管理会计主要通过产品生命周期法、价值链法等具有整体性、全局性的研究方法来对企业的经济效益作出判断,而战略管理会计正是适应这种变化的要求,超越了单一会计期间的界限,从长期竞争地位的变化中把握企业未来的发展方向,甚至牺牲短期利益以实现企业的长期价值。战略管理会计更注重企业的外部市场环境,强调企业发展与环境变化的协调一致,将企业置于整个产业的价值链中,研究企业与市场竞争者的关系位置。这就弥补了传统管理会计只致力于企业内部降低成本、提高劳动生产率的内部化倾向,真正将企业置于市场信息之中。 Strategic management accounting mainly through the product life cycle law, value chain law with a holistic, global research methods to make judgments on the economic efficiency of enterprises, and strategic management accounting is to adapt to this change requirements, beyond the single accounting period The long-term competitive position from the changes in the grasp of the future direction of business development, or even sacrificing short-term interests in order to achieve long-term business value. Strategic management accounting pay more attention to the external market environment, emphasizing the coordinated development of enterprises and environmental changes, enterprises will be placed in the entire industry value chain, business and market competitors to study the location. This makes up for the traditional management accounting only to internalize the internalization of labor costs and reduce costs, the internalization of the real business will be placed in the market information.
The plastic industry in China has developed rapidly over recentyears.The output of plastic prod-ucts in China holds the second place in the world.It is expecte
【正】 In accordance with the State Council’s poli-cies of strengthening environmental protection,energy conservation and pollutants reduction,the Ministry of
讨论了管路拆装实训课程在生化类专业学生培养中的重要意义,依据管路拆装系统设计了实训项目,并对各实训项目的实训目标及实训要求做了设计。 The significance of pipeline
目的对血栓通治疗冠心病的有效性和安全性进行Meta分析,为冠心病的临床治疗提供参考。方法采用计算机检索方式对文献资料进行收集与筛选,对纳入文献进行质量评价,并采用Rev M
调节器配套机型型号FT81E 型型式长期额定工作制、防尘式、换向器式汽车直流发电机调节器配套发电机ZF(?)2D 型调节器工作时的电路1.电压调节器触点11闭合时:激磁电流由发电
1.Rapid growth of capacityand output The spandex sector in China has devel-oped rapidly in recent years.The total capacity increased sharply from 25 100t/a in