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凡是熟悉旭爷且有幸见识过半年前他那张自拍照的朋友,都难以把印象中这个见人就乐、工作起来像列“动力火车”的家伙与照片上的那一形象挂起钩来。一本一本半新不旧的杂志和书籍如同比萨斜塔的台阶般盘旋而上“咬”住他的全身,饱含批评而忧伤的目光扎破照片中沉沉的静默,两只大脚丫子就那么随意地伸展开来,像突兀地瞪着蓝天白云的两只眼睛,整张相片充斥了愤世嫉俗和满篇的无奈。旭爷最近心情不错,和好友合伙经营的设计公司业务蒸蒸日上,七八条枪的小团队也正在谋划着“招兵买马”,不过旭爷脸上笑容渐多的同时也有些烦心事。先是两年前买的彩色喷墨打印机输出的颜色老错位,工作时嘎嘎的噪声像只呱噪的鸭子。要知道,旭爷可全仗着它给客户出效果图呢,这客户一旦觉得效果不如意,那岂不是断了兄弟们的生计!旭爷着急上火之际,召集了自己的弟兄们赶紧商量对策。是换台彩喷还是直接选择彩色激光打印机呢?“彩喷帮”的意见是,彩喷的机器比彩激便宜多了,有些机型才几百块钱,打印效果绚丽多彩,好多老客户还就看中输出的效果,维修也简单,直接可以抱着走;“彩激一族”则反唇相讥,彩喷虽然机器便宜,但原装耗材价格昂贵,随着公司业务的增长,耗材成本无疑将大幅攀升,而彩激价钱也跌了不少,已经出现6999元的产品,而且彩激 Anyone familiar with Asahi and who had the honor of seeing his selfie a little over six months ago will find it hard to put a touch on the image of the guy who works as a “Power Train” with the image . An old half-new magazine and a book circled the steps of the Leaning Tower of Pisa to “bite” his whole body, full of criticism and sad eyes, breaking through the heavy silence in the picture. Free to stretch out, like the two eyes staring at the blue sky and white clouds, the entire photo is full of cynical and full of helplessness. Asahi recently in good mood, and friends co-operation of the design business is booming, seven or eight guns small team is also planning a “recruiting”, but more and more happiness at the same time, Xu He also somewhat bothering. First, two years ago to buy the color inkjet printer output color old dislocation, quack noise at work just like noisy duck. You know, Asahi can rely on it to the customer renderings it, the customer once felt unsatisfactory results, it would not break the brothers’ livelihood! Asahi anxious lit on the occasion, convened his brethren and quickly discuss Countermeasures. Is to change the color spray or direct choice of color laser printer? “Color spray to help” opinion is that the color spray machine is cheaper than the color incentive, and some models only a few hundred dollars, printing brilliant, many old customers But also fancy output effect, maintenance is simple, you can directly hold; “Excitement clan” is retorted, although the machine is cheaper color spray, but the original expensive supplies, as the company’s business growth, supplies will undoubtedly increase the cost significantly Climbed, while the color excitement prices have dropped a lot, there have been 6999 yuan of products, but also color excitement
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