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项目地址奥地利维也纳项目面积500m~2这栋住宅位于维也纳的郊区,占地面积达到500平方米,这里原本是一片绿意浓浓的草地,有几棵树木点缀其中。屋主本来住在市中心的公寓里,住到这里之后,他们憧憬着这样一种画面:孩子们在草地上玩耍,父母和朋友们围坐在孩子们中间,享受着绿地和树木构成的大自然。 Project Address Vienna, Austria Project Area 500m ~ 2 This house is located on the outskirts of Vienna and occupies an area of ​​500 square meters. It was originally a greenery with some trees adorning it. The owners, who lived in downtown apartments, lived here looking forward to the pictures of children playing on the grass, parents and friends sitting in the middle of their children and enjoying the large green spaces and trees natural.
自从在班级管理上实行学生自治的方式以来,作为班主任,我直接发号施令的次数少了很多,许多管理的事务都让班干部们尝试着做。  新上任的小班干们做事的热情很高,可很多事情光有热情是不够的,毕竟一样都是学生,有的孩子在班干部面前就不那么听话给面子了。纪律委员来找我“诉苦”“告状”的频率最高,无非是谁在早读课上不读书讲话,又或者某人在做眼保健操时不按要求认真做操。他工作相当认真负责,可面对个别同学的不买账,
Both of the patients in the report had floaters and progressive vision loss for years.Two cases of familial vitreous amyloidosis occurred in three generations w
Mulligan RM,Atkinson C,Vertegel A A,et al.Cigarette smoke extract stimulates interleukin-8production in human airway epithelium and is attenuated by superoxide
AIM:To compare the efficacy and visual results of the modified Blumenthal and Ruit techniques for manual small-incision cataract surgery(MSICS).· METHODS:This
简要介绍钢筋电渣压力焊的工艺过程,介绍电渣压力焊全自动控制系统的设备、电路及其工作过程。 The process of electroslag electroslag pressure welding of steel bars is
·AIM:To investigate the effect of hypoxia on the proliferation of mouse corneal epithelial cells in vitro.·METHODS:Mouse corneal epithelial cells(MCEs) were c