Modeling the Dynamic Gravity Variations of Northeastern Margin of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau by

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:greenranqingiqng
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In this paper, the spatial-temporal gravity variation patterns of the northeastern margin of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau in 1992~2001 are modeled using bicubic spline interpolation functions and the relations of gravity change with seismicity and tectonic movement are discussed preliminarily. The results show as follows: ① Regional gravitational field changes regularly and the gravity abnormity zone or gravity concentration zone appears in the earthquake preparation process; ② In the significant time period, the gravity variation shows different features in the northwest, southeast and northeast parts of the surveyed region respectively, with Lanzhou as its boundary; ③ The gravity variation distribution is basically identical to the strike of tectonic fault zone of the region, and the contour of gravity variation is closely related to the fault distribution. In this paper, the spatial-temporal gravity variation patterns of the northeastern margin of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau in modeled using bicubic spline interpolation functions and the relations of gravity change with seismicity and tectonic movement are discussed preliminarily. The results show as follows: ① Regional gravitational field changes regularly and the gravity abnormity zone or gravity concentration zone appears in the earthquake preparation process; ② In the significant time period, the gravity variation shows different features in the northwest, southeast and northeast parts of the surveyed region respectively, with Lanzhou as its boundary; ③ The gravity variation distribution is basically identical to the strike of tectonic fault zone of the region, and the contour of gravity variation is closely related to the fault distribution.
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