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1.销毁库存弹药随着国力增强,我海军装备发展日新月异,许多老式库存弹药需要报废和更新换代,北海舰队用1个多月的时间对数百吨弹药及危险火工品进行了处理。(王松岐王炳荣逄忠平摄影报道)2.纪念69年前的胜利1942年6月,美国太平洋舰队在中途岛海战中取得重大胜利,日本海军被迫转入防御。战争的硝烟已逐渐远去,但那惊心动魄的海面显然变成了永恒。为此,美军展开了一系列纪念括动。 1. Destruction of stock ammunition With the enhancement of national strength, the development of our naval equipment is rapidly changing. Many old-style stock ammunitions need to be scrapped and replaced. The North Sea Fleet handled over a month’s time the handling of hundreds of tons of ammunition and dangerous explosives. (Wang Songqi, Wang Bingrong, Zhongping Photography Report) 2. Commemorating the Victory 69 Years Ago In June 1942, the U.S. Pacific Fleet made a major victory in the naval battle on Midway and the Japanese navy was forced to turn defensive. The smoke of the war has gradually faded away, but the soul-stirring sea clearly evolved into eternity. To this end, the U.S. military launched a series of commemorative activities.
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