A Shallow Analysis of the Covenant Spirit in Bible

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  【Abstract】In the Bible, the word “contract” is the core concept, which refers to the covenant between God and man to regulate people’s behavior, to give people the interests of the world, and to form an interactive relationship. In this paper, the three important contracts concluded by God and man, namely, “Noah’s covenant”, “Abraham’s covenant”, “David’s covenant”, this article explores the spirit of contract in the Bible.
  【Key words】Covenant; Bible; God
  Covenant of Noah’s Ark
  And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.(Ge6:13)God spares Noah, his family, and a remnant of all the world’s animals from the flood.“These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.”(Ge6:9) According to Genesis, God gave Noah instructions for building the ark. Seven days before the deluge, God told Noah to enter the ark with his household and the animals. “And God said, this is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generation, I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.”(Ge 9:12-13)
  The Abraham’s Covenant
  The Abraham’s Covenant is an unconditional covenant. God made promises to Abraham that required nothing of Abraham. Genesis 15:18–21 describes a part of the Covenant, specifically dealing with the dimensions of the land God promised to Abraham and his descendants. The actual Abrahamic Covenant is found in Genesis 12:1–3. The ceremony recorded in Genesis 15 indicates the unconditional nature of the covenant. The only time that both parties of a covenant would pass between the pieces of animals was when the fulfillment of the covenant was dependent upon both parties keeping commitments. Concerning the significance of God alone moving between the halves of the animals, it is to be noted that it is a smoking furnace and a flaming torch, representing God, not Abraham, which passed between the pieces. Such an act, it would seem, should be shared by both parties, but in this case God’s solitary action is doubtless to be explained by the fact that the covenant is principally a promise by God. He binds Himself to the covenant. God caused a sleep to fall upon Abraham so that he would not be able to pass between the two halves of the animals. Fulfillment of the covenant fell to God alone.   Later, God gave Abraham the rite of circumcision as the specific sign of the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 17:9–14). All males in Abraham’s line were to be circumcised and thus carry with them a lifelong mark in their flesh that they were part of God’s physical blessing in the world. Any descendant of Abraham who refused circumcision was declaring himself to be outside of God’s covenant; this explains why God was angry with Moses when Moses failed to circumcise his son in Exodus 4:24–26.
  God’s covenant with David
  Blessings are promised to the family and posterity of David. These promises relate to Solomon, David’s immediate successor, and the royal line of Judah. But they also relate to Christ, who is often called David and the Son of David. To him God gave all power in heaven and earth, with authority to execute judgment. He was to build the gospel temple, a house for God’s name; the spiritual temple of true believers, to be a habitation of God through the Spirit. The establishing of his house, his throne, and his kingdom for ever, can be applied to no other than to Christ and his kingdom: David’s house and kingdom long since came to an end. The committing iniquity cannot be applied to the Messiah himself, but to his spiritual seed; true believers have infirmities, for which they must expect to be corrected, though they are not cast off. (2Sa 7:18-29)
  Hebrew Bible uses the contract form to God and man, so that both sides take the corresponding obligation, so that God can establish a strong connection and communication mechanism between God and people. The Jews do not consider the relationship between man and God as a traditional destiny, but a kind of interactive relationship. By God and man’s covenant, God gives people the secular interests, in exchange for the people to obey Him in spirit through obedience and spiritual worship to God.
【摘要】在大学英语的教学中,教师可否在训练学生语言技能的同時,从教材中挖掘新的思政元素,运用于提升学生的思想政治素质的培养中,一直是需要探讨的问题。本文试图以《新编实用英语》第四版第一册课程内容为切入点,挖掘课文内容中所蕴含的思政元素,使教学内容与思政教育有机融合,从而达到教书育人的目的。  【关键词】大学英语教学;新编实用英语;课程思政元素  【作者简介】阿勒腾,新疆师范高等专科学校(新疆教育学
一、充满敌意与愤怒的“刺猬”   小A(化名),六年级学生,独生子,由于出生时面部有一点缺陷,小A从小比较敏感和自卑,与父亲关系亲密,和母亲关系一般。一年前父亲因病去世,为了避免触景伤情,他跟着母亲一起搬离原来的地方,转学到现在的学校。转学前小A的成绩一直在班级里靠前,和同学相处融洽,有一个关系不错的朋友。转学之后,他的成绩有所退步,很少与同学交流,经常觉得同学嘲笑自己,与同学发生冲突,和母亲之
【摘要】在电信息化时代,以微信为媒介的混合式教学模式应运而生。本文结合微信平台的功能和特点,参考ADDIE教学设计模型,探索基于微信平台的大学英语语音“线上 线下”混合式教学模式框架。混合式教学模式贯穿于大学英语语音的课前自主学习、课中师生研讨、课后知识内化和考核评价的环节中,有效地提高了大学英语语音教学质量。  【关键词】微信;教学模式;混合式教学;大学英语语音  【Abstract】In th
【摘要】自主学习是主动的、有目标的学习。随着互联网与教育行业的深度融合与发展,E时代为教育事业提供了相对于传统学习方式而言更为广泛的自主学习平台。互联网学习资源的海量、便捷、共享的特点使得自主学习受到了师生的青睐。但是在使用过程中,仍然存在一定的問题。本文从大学英语的网络自主学习的角度,阐述存在的问题并提出相关的建议。  【关键词】自主学习;互联网学习  【作者简介】赵曼铃,四川工商学院。  前言
一、前言  《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》以下简称《课标》要求学生广泛阅读,丰富语篇文体体验,理解并赏析如小说之类的英语文学作品。小说自主阅读英语课内阅读的一种重要补充和延伸形式,是高中英語阅读教学重要组成环节之一。小说作为英语文化的重要载体为学生提供了鲜活、有趣并富有深意的语言输入,不仅有助于提升学生的语言水平,更能丰富对英美文学的认知,促进人文素养的形成。教师应有计划地选择合适的小说
【摘要】英语作为高考科目之一,在高中阶段的地位显得尤为重要。而英语歌曲中蕴含着丰富的文化内容,内容多种多样,对于我们的英语学习有着积极的价值。本文以笔者平时的学习积累为出发点,分析了歌曲对于英语学习的积极价值,并探讨具体的学习策略和注意事项。  【关键词】英语学习;英语歌曲;积极价值  【作者简介】童佳娜,长沙市雅礼中学。  每一个国家、民族的歌曲,其背后都蕴含着丰富的民族文化、思维模式、情感元素
英雄解析:  风暴英雄希尔瓦娜斯是一名优秀的专业型英雄,特质非常bug,带线简直无情,千万不要放任希女王拆自己塔,无伤带兵拆塔分分钟拆哭你。希女王打团也是非常厉害,伤害非常不错,沉默箭能够主导整个战局。  优点:清线能力强,能眩晕塔和小兵,远程群体沉默。  缺点:爆发能力不足,位移技能弹道较慢。  技能解析:  黑蚀箭:战斗特质 攻击和技能会使小兵、雇佣兵和防御塔昏迷 1 秒。  极强的特质,不仅
【摘要】新闻作为一种传递社会信息,反应社会现实的重要媒介,在人们的日常生活中发挥着不可替代的作用。本文从关联理论角度出发,得出了决定新闻用语的关键性因素在于顺应社会世界,物质世界和心理世界。  【关键词】新闻;语言;关联理论  【作者简介】周芬,湖北商贸学院。  威尔逊的关联理论(1995)认为,人们的认知是以最大关联为导向,新闻作为一种典型的文本变体是新闻工作者与读者之间言语交际行为的结果。关联
【摘要】隐喻既是一种修辞手法,又是一种思维方式,它是语言与文化联系的纽带。本文基于平行语料库,根据纽马克七种隐喻翻译方法,对老舍小说《二马》四个英译本进行翻译方法研究,旨在探讨源语言采取不同翻译方法的原因、效果及文化影响。  【关键词】隐喻;《二马》;中译英;翻译方法;语料库  【作者简介】赵丽杰,李林岚,李思慧,北京外国语大学。  【基金项目】中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(项目批准号:20
【摘要】本文针对目前初中英语readingII,语言点讲解课上语言处理的的常见问题进行理性地分析,结合案例阐述了如何帮助学生在不脱离文本的基础上,在语境中灵活地运用语言,从而有效地提高学生的语言运用能力,如何发挥英语语言文学性的特点,培养学生正确的情感,人生观和价值观。  【关键词】语言点教学;目标;语境;情感教育  【作者简介】徐佩琳,江苏省江阴市第一初级中学。  一、英语语言处理存在的问题