
来源 :复旦学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong420
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1974年12月,物理系无线电接收专业部分工农兵学员,到微波教研组毕业实践。我们坚持科研为生产、为国防服务的原则,选定了某项工程急需的(100×14)MHz微波集成倍频器。尽管这种器件我们从未搞过,资料缺乏,但学员和革命教师密切配合,日夜苦战,终于在不到半年的时间内试制成功。经有关单位使用,质量完全超过老式的笨重的波导型倍频器,达到使用要求。我们研制的微波集成倍频器,输入信号是经过放大的晶体振荡器信号,其频稳度达到晶体振荡器水平;而且采用了现代微带技术,使产品具有可靠性高、体积小、重量轻、使用方便等优点。 December 1974, the Department of Physics radio receiver specialized part of the workers and peasants and soldiers, to the microwave teaching and research group graduation practice. We insist on scientific research for production, the principle of national defense services, selected a project urgently needed (100 × 14) MHz integrated microwave frequency multiplier. Although this device we have never engaged in, the lack of information, but students and teachers in close cooperation with the revolution, fighting day and night, and finally in less than six months trial success. After the use of the relevant units, the quality completely exceeds the old bulky waveguide multiplier, to meet the requirements. We developed a microwave integrated multiplier, the input signal is amplified crystal oscillator signal, the frequency stability of the crystal oscillator level; and the use of modern microstrip technology, the product has high reliability, small size, light weight , Easy to use and so on.
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