
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abc1314
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Objective: To develop exclusion testing protocols for Huntington’ s disease (HD) linkage markers suitable for use in a clinical preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) setting for couples in whom a partner was at 50% risk of inheriting HD, but who choose not to undergo presymptomatic mutation testing. Design: Preimplantation genetic diagnosis using exclusion testing. Setting: In vitro fertilization clinic. Patient(s): Three couples with family histories of HD, two couples opposed to direct mutation testing. Intervention(s): Development of single- cell polymerase chain reaction tests for PGD for the HD mutation and two HD gene- flanking markers (D4S43 and D4S126), allowing the identification of an individual embryo as being at either lowor high risk for developing HD without being diagnostic of the presence of the mutation. Main Outcome Measure( s): D4S43, D4S126, and HD mutation. Result(s): After PGD for HD, couple 1 gave birth to a healthy girl after a frozen embryo transfer, and genetic status was confirmed by prenatal diagnosis to be very low risk for developing HD. Couple 2 gave birth to a healthy boy after their second cycle of PGD, and couple 3, after a third cycle, gave birth to a boy with congenital heart defects, which were successfully corrected with surgery at age 5 days. Both couples 2 and 3 declined prenatal testing, and therefore relinquished the opportunity to confirm the PGD. Conclusion(s): Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for HD using exclusion testing resulted in three live singleton births after six oocyte recovery procedures. The diagnostic protocol provided couples the opportunity to minimize the likelihood of disease transmission to their children, without the requirement for predictive testing. Objective: To develop exclusion testing protocols for Huntington’s disease (HD) linkage markers suitable for use in a clinical preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) setting for couples in whom a partner was at 50% risk of inheriting HD, but who choose not to Design: Preimplantation genetic diagnosis using exclusion testing. Setting: In vitro fertilization clinic. Patient (s): Three couples with family histories of HD, two couples opposed to direct mutation testing. Intervention (s): Development of single - cell polymerase chain reaction tests for PGD for the HD mutation and two HD gene- flanking markers (D4S43 and D4S126), allowing the identification of an individual embryo as being at either lowor high risk for developing HD without being diagnostic of the presence of the Result (s): After PGD for HD, couple 1 gave birth to a healthy girl after a frozen embryo transfer, and gene Couple 2 gave birth to a healthy boy after their second cycle of PGD, and couple 3, after a third cycle, gave birth to a boy with congenital heart defects, which were successfully corrected with surgery at age 5 days. Both couples 2 and 3 declined prenatal testing, and therefore relinquished the opportunity to confirm the PGD. Conclusion (s): Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for HD using exclusion testing resulted in three live singleton births after The diagnostic protocol provided couples the opportunity to minimize the likelihood of disease transmission to their children, without the requirement for predictive testing.
2000年冬,龙门石窟被联合国教科文组织列为“世界文化遗产”,这是迄今为止河南省惟一一处“世界文化遗产”。龙门石窟早已是闻名世界的我国三大艺术宝库之一,与敦煌石窟、云冈石窟齐名。  龙门石窟在洛阳市城南12公里,远眺如天关,伊水中流,风光秀丽。唐代大诗人白居易赞曰:“洛都四郊山水之胜,龙门首焉;龙门十寺观游之胜,香山首焉。”  九朝故都洛阳地处黄河中游,山河控戴,形势险要。北依邙岭,越邙岭则是天堑
十几年的时间对于玻璃的历史来说是很短很短,但对于上海玻璃工艺艺术的发展却是值得回顾和纪念的。 曾有一个国外的玻璃艺术家风趣地谈到他为什么选择玻璃创作时说过一段有
目的 明确云南汉族群体中主要组织相容性复合物 类链相关基因 A(majorhistocompatibility complex class I chian- related gene,MICA )基因与系统性红斑狼疮 (systemic lu
目的探讨 2型糖尿病患者的肺功能变化及其与胰岛素抵抗和胰岛 β细胞分泌功能的关系。方法测定 60例 2型糖尿病患者 (糖尿病组 )和 3 5例健康对照组肺功能 ,并进行比较分析。
Objective: To examine fertility, reproductive outcomes, and determinants of fertility after laparoscopic segmental colorectal resection for endometriosis. Desig