Intrinsic mode characteristic analysis and extraction in underwater cylindrical shell acoustic radia

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xingxingshuaige
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Target dimension is important information in underwater target classification. An intrinsic mode characteristic extraction method in underwater cylindrical shell acoustic radiation was studied in this paper based on the mechanism of shell vibration to gain the information about its dimension instead of accurate inversion processing. The underwater cylindrical shell vibration and acoustic radiation were first analyzed using mode decomposition to solve the wave equation. The characteristic of acoustic radiation was studied with different cylindrical shell lengths, radii, thickness, excitation points and fine structures. Simulation results show that the intrinsic mode in acoustic radiation spectrum correlates closely with the geometry dimensions of cylindrical shells. Through multifaceted analysis, the strongest intrinsic mode characteristic extracted from underwater shell acoustic radiated signal was most likely relevant to the radiated source radius. Then, partial information about unknown source dimension could be gained from intrinsic mode characteristic in passive sonar applications for underwater target classification. Experimental data processing results verified the effectiveness of the method in this paper. An intrinsic mode characteristic extraction method in underwater paper shell based on the mechanism of shell vibration to gain the information about its dimension instead of accurate inversion processing. shell vibration and acoustic radiation were first analyzed using mode decomposition to solve the wave equation. The characteristic of acoustic radiation was studied with different cylindrical shell lengths, radii, thickness, excitation points and fine structures. Simulation results show that the intrinsic mode in acoustic radiation spectrum correlates closely with the geometry dimensions of cylindrical shells. Through multifaceted analysis, the strongest intrinsic mode characteristic extracted from underwater shell acoustic radiated signal was most likely relevant to the radiated source radius. own source dimension could be gained from intrinsic mode characteristic in passive sonar applications for underwater target classification. Experimental data processing results verified the effectiveness of the method in this paper.
作为学校教育重要组成部份的体育,由于自身的特点(运动、器械)或其它各种因素,伤害事故(尤其是运动性损伤)偶有发生,成为了学校教育过程中的不安全因素。这既违背了学校体育教育的初衷,一定程度上给学校带来不良影响;同时,也加重了体育教师的心理负担。因此,加强课堂安全教育,防止损伤事故的发生,有序、安全、有效地完成教育任务,已成为当今体育课堂教学的首要目标。  一、体育教学中产生安全事故的原因  1.学生
摘要:初中阶段图像题不多,本文主要分析了几种,以供教学工作者参考交流。  关键词: 初中物理; 图像题;处理;方法  一、图像比较  凡是有公式的地方就有这种题目出现,解决的方法也基本上是一致的,即竖直画一直线,得到横坐标的物理量相等这个条件,在根据相关的物理公式进行判断,在直线上甲乙所对应的纵坐标大小得出相应的关系.  例如:物体在匀速直线运动时,路程与时间的关系为v=s/t。在图中两直线分别是
教学反思就是指教师把课堂教学作为认识对象,进行全面而深入的思考和总结。它是一种用来提高自身业务,改进教学实践的学习方式。教师通过课前反思、课中反思、课后反思三种形式深入研究教师如何教、学生如何学,真正做到学教中反思,反思中成长。在教学反思中丰富教学资源,优化教学结构,提高课堂教学效率。  《二氧化碳的制取》是学生在学完氧气的制取之后的又一制气实验课题。学生通过前课学习已经具备一些制取气体的简单知识
摘要:通过对思维的流畅性、变通性、独创性和辩证性的训练,可以促进学生创造性思维的发展,其中思维的变通性体现了思维的灵活性。本文从实验功能的转变、实验问题的解决和实验方案的优化三个方面阐述了在物理实验设计教学中进行创新思维能力变通性训练的教学探索。  关键词:实验设计;思维变通性;教学训练  一、在实验功能的转变中实现思维的变通性训练  1.通过改变实验仪器功能训练变通性思维  仪器在实验中的使用多
摘要:函数概念是初中数学的核心概念之一,受制于函数概念本身和初中生的自身数学思维能力与水平。初中生在函数概念学习中,常常面临困惑。在认识学习困惑原因的基础上,提出教学任务目标及教学流程的改善,并结合教学实例,以教学设计的方式予以展示分享。  关键词:初中函数;函数概念学习;函数教学  函数是与人们生活联系紧密的数学模块,信息化的社会更是离不开函数,如股市行情走势图、心电图等都有函数的应用,因函数充
课标要求:评价一项加强对政府权力进行监督的改革措施,说明政府的权力不能滥用,行使权力要反映人民的利益和愿望。  学情分析:  (1)学生学习了民主监督,对监督方式已有所了解,本节课需要进一步让学生认识对政府权力的监督方式;  (2)学生对现实生活中政府权力的滥用和理论上的为人民服务不能科学认识,容易以偏概全,因而应帮助学生辩证地认识权力,培养学生积极参与民主监督的政治素养。  教学方式:  这节课