
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guli880712
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Episodic exposure of fair-skinned individuals to intense sunlight is thought to be responsible for the steadily increasing melanoma incidence worldwide over recent decades. Rarely, melanoma susceptibility is increased more than tenfold by heritable mutations in the cell cycle regulatory genes CDKN2A and CDK4. Effective treatment requires early diagnosis followed by surgical excision with adequately wide margins. Sentinel lymph node biopsy provides accurate staging, but no published results are yet available from clinical trials designed to assess the therapeutic efficacy of early complete regional node dissection in those with metastatic disease in a sentinel node. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy is one technique under investigation for non- invasive, in- situ assessment of sentinel nodes. Localised metastatic disease is best treated surgically. No postoperative adjuvant therapy is of proven value for improving overall survival, although numerous clinical trials of vaccines and cytokines are in progress. Medical therapies have contributed little to the control of established metastatic disease, but molecular pathways recently identified as being central to melanoma growth and apoptosis are under intense investigation for their potential as therapeutic targets.
从4月29日起,200台长江钢琴将免费进入宜昌社区、校园,各界人士对于此举一致赞许,纷纷表示很“给力”。 From April 29 onwards, 200 Changjiang Piano will be free access
1979年11月至1980年12月,我院收治临床拟诊病毒性肺炎158例,其中经病毒分离和/或血清学证实者75例。本文就病原学、临床表现及中医药治疗等作一初步探讨。 From November 1
1980年6月我院婴儿室治疗和护理一例呼吸困难综合征的新生儿,住院16天痊愈出院,现将其护理工作简介如下: 患儿系女婴,于1980年6月7日剖腹产出生。在娩出时脐带绕颈一周,娩出