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中央民族学院郭毅生教授主编的《太平天国历史地图集》和《太平天国历史与地理》两书,由中国地图出版社出版了。这两部专著学术水平高,实用价值大,值得向广大读者推荐介绍。任何历史事件,都是在一定的地理环境里按时间先后发展的。因此,读史离不开地图。而图史结合,则是我国史学的优良传统之一。太平天国革命运动是我国近代史上的第一次革命高潮。它历时十八年,纵横十七省,大小战事逾千百次,其间进退消长,头绪纷繁。建国以来,太平天国史研究不断向广度和深度拓展,著述繁富,硕果累累。但这些太史论著在涉及地理关系时,就往往难于作直观形象的具体说明。过去虽也见过一些太史论著附图、教学挂图和中国近代史参考地图,但都过于简单粗略,远不能满足学习和研究太平天国史的需要。《太平天国历史地图集》正是适应这个需要而编绘出版的。这种历史地图集在我国还是首创。 The book “Atlas of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom” and “History and Geography of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom”, edited by Professor Guo Yisheng of the Central University for Nationalities, was published by China Map Publishing House. The two monographs of high academic standards, practical value, it is worth recommending to readers. Any historical events are in a certain geographical environment in time has developed. Therefore, reading history can not be separated from the map. The combination of the history and the history is one of the fine traditions of Chinese history. The Taiping Heavenly Revolutionary Movement is the first revolutionary upsurge in our country’s modern history. It lasted eighteen years, seven provinces in length and breadth, the size of the war more than a thousand times, during which retreat growth and decline, numerous ideas. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the research on the history of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom has been continuously expanded to a breadth and depth, with rich writings and fruitful achievements. However, these Taishi history treaties are often difficult to specify as visual images when it comes to geographical relations. Although in the past I have seen some books on the history of Taishi, teaching charts and reference maps of modern Chinese history, they are too simple and crude to meet the needs of studying and studying Taiping Heavenly Kingdom history. “Atlas of Taiping Heavenly History” is compiled and published to meet this need. This history atlas is still the first in our country.
平安,这是一个多么诱人的字眼!唯其在这样一种境界里,我们的生活才充满情趣、充满温馨。 市场经济的大潮强烈地冲击着我们的社会,令许多人于回眸转瞬之间成为殷殷富豪。于是