On the Essential Qualities for Translators of English for Science and echnology

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  【Abstract】With the rapid development of science and technology,the need for the exchange in this field is becoming more and more frequent and urgent. We need to explore more in the field of English for Science and Technology (EST for short) translation and the training of translators.
  【Key Words】English for Science and Technology; characteristics; training of translators
  The famous scientist Qian Sanqiang pointed out years ago that the translation of English for Science and Technology had become a specialized new field of modern English in the world. It has been estimated that technical translation accounts for 90% of the world’s total translation output each year (Kingscott 2002:247). However, EST translators currently do not necessarily receive the training. Professional translators with high qualities are still in short supply and the situation calls for new requirements for translators of EST.
  1.Chapter One The Stylistic Features of EST and its Translation
  EST arises from a new academic style, and it is a branch of academic English in English for Special Purposes(referred to as ESP)which has evolved its own laws and features in the long-term development process. These features are illustrated as follows.
  1.1 The lexical features
  EST mainly owns 4 stylistic features, which are specialization, more Greek and Latin morpheme, more abbreviations and compound words.
  1.2 The syntactical features
  First of all, passive voice and more complex sentences are very prevalent in EST. Moreover, EST uses impersonality and long sentences for accurate description of things. Rhetorical devices like exaggeration, personification and so on are rarely used so as to prevent readers from feeling distorted.
  1.3 The EST translation
  EST translation is often regarded as a professional, practical type of translation, what makes the translation of EST different from others is the uniqueness in the processing of words. The translation of literary works calls for the unification of form and art, while the translation of EST pursues the unification of form and logic.
  2.Chapter Two The Requirements for Translators of EST
  2.1 A wide and professional scope of scientific knowledge
  It is said that in order to be a good translator, you need to be an expert in a highly specialized field. Translation is a purposeful activity involving a variety of background knowledge, so a wide and professional scope of scientific knowledge is of great importance in EST translation practice.   2.2 A good mastery of the translation skills
  EST translation involves a detailed knowledge of the source and target cultures, language conventions and style, translators are supposed to have a good mastery of the translation skills. Furthermore, translators ought to get to know some translation principles.
  2.3 The ability to convert the scientific language
  Translators need to deal with texts which are identical to those produced by technical writers working in the target language (Fishbach 1998:2). Consequently, translators ought to focus on the style of EST so as to convert the scientific language successfully.
  3.Chapter Three The Training of Translators of EST
  It’s a must to provide training in EST translation to ensure that translators acquire some qualities. A translator must be well equipped in two aspects.
  On the one hand, he must be armed with adequate academic and technical knowledge, which is the guarantee for his efficient work. We should also strengthen the training of teachers and reform the curriculum of English in colleges and universities. On the other hand, we are supposed to improve the comprehensive abilities of translators of EST. They ought to increase the reading quantity and enrich their knowledge. It is also essential to keep pace with the times, in order to meet the demand of society. Translators had better read various journals, accumulate relevant knowledge of terminology over time and summarize translation skills in EST translation.
  During the process of translation, we are supposed to grasp and apply what we have learned into practice flexibly and ponder over the rules and endeavor to be efficient and productive in EST translation. This has implications for the training of translators. Translation must reach out to other disciplines and novel thinking.
  [1]Byrne,Jody. Technical Translation[M].Springer-Verlag New York Inc.2006.
  [2]杨春华,陈刚,于海侠.科技英语的特点[J].中国西部科技. 2011(11).
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摘 要:叙事学自20世纪80年代末传入我国以来,在人文社科领域获得了广泛而深入的发展,并与其它在诸多学科产生了交叉与融合。翻译研究的叙事取向就是其中一个值得关注的现象,在翻译和叙事学结合研究的前10年期间(1997-2006),并未引起国内学者的广泛关注。本文旨在通过梳理两者融合研究的发展脉络和某些具体方面,指出了早起研究的一些特点,归纳出了一些不足。  关键词:翻译;叙事;取向  [中图分类号]
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