
来源 :鸭绿江(下半月版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cynosure
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高尔夫运动自引入我国以来,经过三十多年已经获得了一定规模的发展,这种良好的发展势头为高尔夫休闲产业的发展创造了有利的条件,储存了丰富的资源,并且积累了全新的商机。本文主要运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,针对新时期四川省高尔夫休闲产业的发展路径展开研究,分析了当前我国开展高尔夫休闲产业面临的问题,进而探究出四川省高尔夫休闲产业的发展路径,同时提出笔者的个人建议,旨在为四川省高尔夫休闲产业的发展做出一定的贡献。 Since the introduction of golf into our country, after 30 years of development, the good momentum of development has created favorable conditions for the development of the golf leisure industry, storing abundant resources and accumulating new business opportunities . In this paper, the main methods of literature and logic analysis, logical analysis, for the new era of golf in Sichuan Province, the development of the path of development to study the current analysis of China’s golf industry to face the problems facing the development of golf in Sichuan Province to explore the development path, at the same time Put forward my personal suggestions, aims to make some contributions to the development of Sichuan golf leisure industry.
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