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运用流体动力学软件Fluent6.3对自行设计的燃气燃烧器的燃烧性能进行了数值模拟研究,分析了不同外圈助燃空气和中心辅助空气配比条件下炉膛内的速度场、温度场以及NOX的生成情况,并对试验结果进行了验证。结果表明,采用适当的外圈助燃空气和中心辅助空气比例,该旋流燃烧器的燃烧性能稳定,燃料燃烧完全,烟气中可燃成分比例不超过0.06%(600ppm);炉膛内温度分布相对均匀,炉内气体温度偏差不超过30℃,满足高效燃烧的要求;烟气中NOX的含量平均不超过0.006%(60ppm),远远低于国家排放标准,可以很好控制燃烧产物对大气的污染。随着外圈助燃空气和中心辅助空气的比例增大,炉膛最高温度和平均温度降低,NOX生成量降低,加入空气总量增大,系统的热效率有所降低,但燃烧器产生的高温高速气流,强化了炉内的对流传热,可提高炉子生产率。 The combustion performance of a self-designed gas burner was numerically simulated with the fluid dynamics software Fluent6.3. The velocity field, temperature field and the distribution of NOX in the furnace under the conditions of different outer ring combustion air and center auxiliary air ratio were analyzed. Generated, and the test results were verified. The results show that the combustion performance of the swirl burner is stable and the combustion of the fuel is complete with the proportion of combustible components in the flue gas not exceeding 0.06% (600ppm); the temperature distribution in the furnace is relatively uniform , The deviation of gas temperature in the furnace does not exceed 30 ℃, which meets the requirements of high-efficiency combustion. The content of NO x in flue gas averages no more than 0.006% (60ppm), which is far lower than the national emission standard and can control the pollution of the combustion products to the atmosphere . As the ratio of combustion air in the outer ring and the auxiliary air in the center increases, the maximum temperature and the average temperature of the furnace decrease, the NOX production decreases, the total amount of added air increases, and the thermal efficiency of the system decreases. However, the high temperature and high velocity airflow generated by the burner , Strengthen the convection heat transfer furnace can improve furnace productivity.
在前一文中报导了关于HoCl_3-KCl和ErCl_3-KCl体系的研究。本文继续研究了HoCl_3-NaCl和ErCl_3-NaCl体系。表1 HoCl_3-NaCl体系的热谱数据所用无水HoC13及ErC13的制备方法和
恐龙在幼年与成年时期的骨骼结构等体态特征有很大的不同,因此一些幼年个体可能被误认为是恐龙的新物种。近日美国的古生物学家研究发现,多刺冥河龙(Stygimoloch spinifer)和