Field Evaluation of Alternative Testing Strategies for the Detection of HIV Infection in Beijing

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Objective To identify a cost-efficient alternative antibody testing strategy for screening and confirmation of HIV infection by rapid simple tests(RSTs)and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays(ELISAs).Methods Four RSTs(RST1,RST2,RST3,and RST4)and five ELISAs(ELISA1,ELISA2,ELISA3,ELISA4,and ELISA5)were evaluated in two phases by using banked and serum specimens prospectively collected at regional hospitals and voluntary counseling and testing(VCT)centers in Beijing.A total of 200 banked serum specimens were included in the first phase,including 62 HIV-positive,127 HIV-negative and 11 indeterminate specimens.All specimens were tested by four RSTs and five ELISAs respectively.The second phase involved prospective testing of 389 routine specimens,including 92 HIV-positive,287 HIV-negative,and 10 indeterminate specimens.All the specimens were tested by two RSTs(RST2 and RST4)and three ELISAs(ELISA1,ELISA3,and ELISA4),which were selected for their respective excellent sensitivity and/or specificity.Western blot(WB)was used as a gold standard for confirming the reactivity of all the specimens.Results Sensitivity,specificity,and efficacy were calculated for each assay in two phases.In the first phase,four assays(ELISA4,RST2,RST3,and RST4)had a specificity of 100%.For the determination of efficacy,ELISA4,RST2,and RST4 were selected in the second phase.ELISA1 and ELISA3 which have a sensitivity of 95.9% and 93.2% respectively also entered this phase.In the second phase,all the five assays(ELISA1,ELISA3,ELISA4,RST2,and RST4)had a sensitivity and specifity of over 90%.ELISA1 had a sensitivity of 99% and ELISA4 a specificity of 99%.Conclusion The sensitivity ELISA1 and the specificit of ELISA4 are comparable to ELISA/WB standard strategy.Application of this alternative testing strategy provides a cost-effective method for determining HIV prevalence in Beijing. Objective To identify a cost-efficient alternative antibody testing strategy for screening and confirmation of HIV infection by rapid simple tests (RSTs) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). Methods Four RSTs (RST1, RST2, RST3, and RST4) and five ELISAs (ELISA1, ELISA2, ELISA3, ELISA4, and ELISA5) were evaluated in two phases by using banked and serum specimens prospectively collected at regional hospitals and voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) centers in Beijing. A total of 200 banked serum studies were included in the first phase, 62 HIV-positive, 127 HIV-negative and 11 indeterminate specimens. All of the specimens were tested by four RSTs and five ELISAs respectively. The second phase involved prospective testing of 389 routine specimens, including 92 HIV-positive, 287 HIV-negative, and 10 indeterminate specimens. All of the specimens were tested by two RSTs (RST2 and RST4) and three ELISAs (ELISA1, ELISA3, and ELISA4), which were selected for their respective excellent sensitivity and / or specifc Results of Sensitivity, specificity, and efficacy were calculated for each assay in two phases. in the first phase, four assays (ELISA4, RST2, RST3, and RST4 had had a specificity of 100%. For the determination of efficacy, ELISA4, RST2, and RST4 were selected in the second phase. ELISA1 and ELISA3 which had a sensitivity of 95.9% and 93.2% respectively also entered this phase. ELISA 1, ELISA3, ELISA4, RST2, and RST4 had a sensitivity and specifity of over 90%. ELISA 1 had a sensitivity of 99% and ELISA4 specificity of 99%. Confluence The sensitivity ELISA1 and the specificit of ELISA4 are comparable to ELISA / WB standard strategy. Application of this alternative testing strategies provide a cost-effective method for determining HIV prevalence in Beijing.
【摘要】人类在发展过程中,对生活问题不断进行归纳总结,形成一套系统性知识体系—数学。数学文化在小学数学教学中有其独特的价值,目前对这一价值的开发还远不到位,有很大的挖掘空间。数学发展为一种文化需要智慧,要综合进行,积极建设。发展好数学文化有利于学科发展、学生发展。在数学教学中,要变被动训练为自主探究,结合生活,渗透数学文化,利用数学美感渗透数学文化,以利于小学生更好理解数学、热爱数学。  【关键词
世纪之交特定的环境为21世纪初军用航空装备的发展提出了新的要求,军用航空技术和各种相关技术的飞速发展又为21世纪初先进军用航空装备登上历史舞台奠定了雄厚的技术基础 Th
一、关于有效需求不足问题 从1929年开始,资本主义世界爆发了空前的大危机(大萧条),3000多万人失业,1/3的工厂停产,整个经济倒退回了一战前的水平。在大萧条期间,经济停滞持
问:我儿子在家里,大人让他做什么,他就做什么,让他怎么做,他就怎么做,十分听话。在外面和小朋友一起玩,他也总按别人的意愿做事,很少有自己的想法。这样的孩子固然不会惹是生非,但是不是也太没有主见了?  冯飞  答:孩子听话、乖巧,父母固然省心,但如果孩子表现得过于顺从,就不是好现象了,这对孩子个性的健康发展不利。要想改变孩子过于顺从的个性,可从以下几方面入手:  1.给孩子表达意愿的机会  部分家长
一位中考生家长的教子经:学校教知识 家庭教做人。  鲍人的女儿璇子去年刚刚以不错的成绩考上北京师范大学第二附属中学。在此之前,她读的不是名校:小学上的是家附近一所普通学校,初中时为了就近入学放弃了北京二中的推优资格。  说起自己的教子经,鲍人总结:“有些家长怕孩子输在起跑线上,想方设法为孩子择校。我觉得,只要学校有一个基本的教学条件和负责任的老师,家庭有一个有利于孩子学习的氛围,对孩子来说就足够了