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5月11日,欧盟对华铝车轮反倾销案初裁完毕。欧盟委员会拒绝了所有抽样企业的市场经济地位,在初裁公告中,对合作企业计算的平均倾销幅度为48.7%,计算的最高企业的倾销幅度是69.3%。而按照欧盟从低征税的原则,欧盟充分考虑了欧洲汽车工业协会和欧盟汽车同行的诉求后,自裁定宣布次日 On May 11, the preliminary ruling of EU anti-dumping on China aluminum wheel was completed. The European Commission rejected the market economy status of all sampling companies. In the announcement of the preliminary ruling, the average dumping margin for cooperative enterprises was 48.7%, and the calculated highest dumping margin for the enterprises was 69.3%. In accordance with the EU from the principle of low taxation, the EU fully take into account the European Automobile Manufacturers Association and the EU automotive colleagues appeal, since the decision announced the next day
作者具体评析了《中图法期刊分类表》第二版在时代性、科学性和实用性等方面的成就,同时结合实践体会指出其需修订与完善的不足之处。 The author concretely comments on th
本文介绍苏只电站水轮发电机小弹簧支承塑料瓦推力轴承的性能计算及结构设计。 This paper introduces the performance calculation and structural design of the small s
This study measured platelet intracellular free calcium (PFCa 2+ ) of 1003 normal pregnancies in different trimester. The purpose of this study was to find
The simple gate control system which is made of traditional manual or proximity switch cannot meet the requirements of connecting with the computer monitoring s
《园艺学报》1991~1995年载文统计分析李亚新赵华韩旭陈欣业(园艺学报编辑部,北京100081)关键词园艺学报;载文;统计分析StatisticsAnalysisonPapersinActaHorticulturaeSinicain1991~19... Journal of Horticulture 1991 ~ 1995 Statistical Analysis of Paper
不论是从环保角度还是从经济角度,人们都期待新能源汽车有朝一日能像高度普及的电动自行车一样行驶在中国的街头,只要它使用和维护起来也像电动自行车一般便利。 Either fro