省政府办公厅召开全省《浙江政报》工作会议 各级政府办公室(厅)要理直气壮地做好政报工作 省政府秘书长蔡惠明出席会议并讲话

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9月23日至24日,省政府办公厅在杭州召开全省《浙江政报》工作会议,专题研究进一步做好《浙江政报》的各项工作。省政府秘书长、政报编委会主任蔡惠明,省政府副秘书长、办公厅主任、政报编委会副主任陈海玫出席会议并讲话,省政府办公厅副主任、政报编委会副主任俞观山主持会议,各市、县(市、区)政府办公室负责人出席会议。会议认为,《浙江政报》作为省人民政府公报,是政府系统具有法律效力的出版物,是浙江省人民政府规章 From September 23 to September 24, the general office of the provincial government held the working conference of “Zhejiang Press” in Hangzhou on a special study to further improve the work of “Zhejiang Press”. Cai Huiming, secretary general of the provincial government and director of the editorial board of the government, Chen Haimei, deputy secretary general of the provincial government, director of the general office and vice director of the editorial board of the provincial government attended the meeting and delivered speeches. He is also the deputy director of the provincial government general office and vice director of the editorial board Yu Guanshan presided over the meeting, and all the heads of government offices of cities and counties (cities and districts) attended the meeting. The meeting held that the “Zhejiang Bulletin” as the provincial government bulletin, is a government system with the force of law publications, is the Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government regulations
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