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舞台灯光是表演艺术中不可或缺的一部分,各类艺术活动的开展需要借助舞台灯光。舞台的灯光设计是舞台表演的重要组成部分,不仅可以在精神文化上迎合观众的需求,还可以发展社会主义中文化部分。这篇文章通过分析灯光在舞台上的作用,来表达演出需要通过灯光效果来提升的思想;通过对舞台灯光设计艺术特征的详细分析,来展示灯光艺术的吸引力。本文在对舞台灯光设计艺术特征的描述中,笔者先从美学追求出发,再分析了舞台灯光设计艺术的创作趋势,得出目前灯光设计具有理性的创作方式、诗意的创作方式、原生的创作方、以及多样化创作方式这四个大趋向。然后在从艺术氛围渲染的角度出发来探析灯光设计艺术的影响。最后总结出舞台灯光设计艺术作为表演的主要构成部分,其设计的艺术应该是美的体现,既可以体现美的科学、也可以体现美的艺术、更可以是体现美的外在。 Stage lighting is an indispensable part of the performing arts. Various artistic activities need the help of stage lighting. Stage lighting design is an important part of the stage performance, not only to meet the needs of the audience in spiritual and cultural context, but also to develop the socialist part of the culture. By analyzing the role of lighting on the stage, this article expresses the idea that the performance needs to be enhanced by lighting effects. The art of lighting design is illustrated by a detailed analysis of the artistic features of the stage lighting design. In the description of the artistic characteristics of the stage lighting design, the author firstly starts from the pursuit of aesthetics and then analyzes the creative trend of the stage lighting design art. At the present, I come to the conclusion that the lighting design has a rational creative way, a poetic creative way and a native creative party , As well as a variety of creative ways of these four major trends. Then from the perspective of the artistic atmosphere rendering to analyze the impact of lighting design art. Finally, the article summarizes the stage lighting design art as the main part of the performance. The art of design should be the embodiment of beauty. It can not only reflect the beauty of science, but also embody the beauty of art, but also embody the beauty of the outside world.
分析11例婴儿脑血管畸形手术治疗成功的经验,认为婴儿脑血管畸形手术治疗可以有机会完全治愈,减少病残率和死亡率;并对头颅CT对其诊断价值及手术要点进行讨论。 Analysis of 11
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