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今年6月,四川电视采访团一行6人,应英国 BBC 电视中心的邀请,在英国伦敦、牛津、曼彻斯特和莎士比亚故居等地采访拍摄了电视片。白金汉宫和唐宁街10号掠影我们在英期间,正值英国君主——伊丽莎白二世女王的61岁诞辰和1945年以来的战后英国13次大选。我们和英国 BBC 电视中心的同行,一起参加了拍摄白金汉宫皇家卫队隆重的换岗仪式,检阅御林军骑兵的活动,以及唐宁街10号英国首相官邸门前各界群众参加选举的情况。 In June this year, Sichuan TV interview delegation of 6 people, at the invitation of the British BBC Television Center, in London, Oxford, Manchester and Shakespeare houses and other places interviewed filming. Buckingham Palace and Downing Street on the 10th Glimpse of us during the UK, coincided with the British monarch - the Queen Elizabeth II ’s 61 year old and 1945 postwar British 13 elections. Together with British counterparts at the BBC Television Center, we participated in the grand ceremony for the redemption of the Royal Guard at Buckingham Palace, the inspection of the Guards cavalry, and the participation of all walks of life in front of the UK Prime Minister’s official residence on 10th Downing Street.
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