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国民待遇既是国际公法的原则,也是国际经贸政策的工具。作为国际法原则,它在外国人待遇方面确认外国人与本国人待遇平等原则;作为经贸政策的工具,它为国际自由贸易提供了平等的国内竞争环境,因此,国民待遇原则成了国际经济贸易政策的基本规则,它是二战后世界贸易体系的基本制度和最重要的指导原则之一。国民待遇原则对消除歧视待遇、推动自由贸易竞争和多边贸易体系的形成、发展以及扩大世界贸易,实现贸易自由,货畅其流,减少市场扭曲,作出了重要贡献。随着世界经济一体化潮流的发展和新的国际经济贸易秩序的逐渐形成,它将愈来愈发挥重大作用。 National treatment is both a principle of public international law and a tool of international economic and trade policies. As a principle of international law, it recognizes the principle of equal treatment of foreigners and natives as regards the treatment of foreigners. As an economic and trade policy tool, it provides an equal domestic competitive environment for international free trade. Therefore, the principle of national treatment has become an international economic and trade policy It is one of the most important guiding principles for the world trading system after World War II. The principle of national treatment has made an important contribution to the elimination of discrimination, the promotion of free trade competition and the formation and development of the multilateral trading system as well as the expansion of world trade, the realization of free trade, smooth flow of goods, and reduction of market distortions. As the trend of world economic integration develops and the new international economic and trade order is gradually formed, it will play an increasingly important role.
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