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对于在美国土生土长的朱棣文来说,太平洋西岸的东方故园——祖籍地中国的江苏太仓,似乎是一个遥远的神话梦境。虽然朱棣文不会讲中国话,但他却把自己当作中国人。因为在他的血管里,流淌的是“百分之百”的华夏血液。今年50年的朱棣文,其在物理学方面的研究成就举世瞩目,令家乡人民自豪。去年,他的激光冷却捕获气体原子试验方面的卓越贡献,使这一物理学前沿领域取得重大进展,从而荣膺1997年度诺贝尔奖。他也是继杨振宁、李政道、丁肇中,李远哲之后第5位获此殊荣的华裔科学家。由于朱棣文教授在物理学界的斐然成就,他曾于1988年,1997年和今年5月、8月4次前来中国访问并作学术报告。受到江泽民主席3次接见。今年,他还被授予中国科学院外籍院士。来也匆匆,去也匆匆。虽然朱棣文教授先后去过北京、上海、杭州、香港等地,但一直没能实现“回家”的夙愿。早年出洋留学,现定居美国的老父亲朱汝瑾先生,期望儿子能趁回中国之际,到故乡太仓走走,看看。这次,应中国科协之邀,朱棣文教授前来中国进行学术交流访问,他在北京、上海进行学术演讲间隙,特意抽出半天时间,前来祖居地太仓寻根访祖。 For Steven Chu, a native of the United States, Taicang, the hometown of the East in the Pacific West Bank, China, seems to be a distant mythological dreamland. Although Steven would not speak Chinese, he regarded himself as a Chinese. Because in his blood vessels, is flowing “Hundred percent” of Huaxia blood. In the 50 years of this year, Steven Chu has made remarkable achievements in physics and made the people in his hometown proud of it. The 1997 Nobel Prize was awarded last year for his outstanding contribution to the laser cooling trapped gas atom test, which has made major strides in this physics frontier. He is also the fifth Chinese scientist to win the honor after Yang Zhenning, Li Zhengdao, Ding Zhaozhong and Li Yuanzhe. Due to his outstanding achievements in the field of physics, Professor Chu has traveled to China for academic reports in 1988, 1997, May and August this year. President Jiang Zemin received three times. This year, he was also awarded a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Come also in a hurry to go in a hurry. Although Professor Chu Diwen has been to Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Hong Kong and other places, but has not been able to achieve “back home ” long-cherished wish. Early years studying abroad, is now living in the United States, the father of Mr. Zhu Rujin, expecting his son to take advantage of the occasion of China back to his hometown Taicang walk, take a look. This time, at the invitation of the China Association for Science and Technology, Professor Chu Diwen came to China for academic exchanges and visits. He held academic lectures in Beijing and Shanghai and deliberately took a half-day to visit his ancestral home in Taicang, the ancestral home.
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