
来源 :疾病监测 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clubshe
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目的了解三峡库区蓄水前后湖北宜昌段库区鼠密度和鼠类种群的变化,并及时采取对策。方法利用夹夜法调查鼠密度和鼠种。结果蓄水前鼠密度呈现下降趋势,室内从1997年的7.14%下降到2002年0.33%,室外从1997年的1.74%下降到2002年的0.84%;蓄水后鼠密度呈上升趋势,室内鼠密度从2003年的0.68%上升到2008年的5.51%,室外鼠密度从2003年的0.22%上升到2008年的0.97%,室内鼠密度均高于室外鼠密度。库区蓄水前室内优势鼠种为褐家鼠和小家鼠,而蓄水后优势鼠种为黄胸鼠,室外蓄水前优势鼠种为褐家鼠和小家鼠,而蓄水后黄胸鼠、黑线姬鼠和小家鼠变为优势鼠种。结论三峡库区宜昌段蓄水前后室内外鼠密度变化明显,蓄水前室内外鼠密度呈下降趋势,而蓄水后呈明显上升趋势,蓄水前后鼠类种群发生及优势鼠种均发生改变,提示要继续加强鼠类监测,为切实有效地防制虫媒传染病的发生与流行提供决策依据。 Objective To understand the changes of rat density and rodent population in Yichang section of the Three Gorges Reservoir before and after water storage and to take timely countermeasures. Methods The method of nocturia was used to investigate the rat density and rat species. Results The density of rats showed a decreasing trend before water storage. The indoor water density decreased from 7.14% in 1997 to 0.33% in 2002, while the outdoor temperature dropped from 1.74% in 1997 to 0.84% ​​in 2002. The density increased from 0.68% in 2003 to 5.51% in 2008, and the density of outdoor rats increased from 0.22% in 2003 to 0.97% in 2008. The density of indoor rats was higher than that of outdoor rats. The predominant rodents in the reservoir area were Rattus norvegicus and Mus musculus, but the predominant species were Rattus flavipectus after impoundment, and Rattus norvegicus and Mus musculus were predominant in outdoor water storage, while after impoundment Rattus flavipectus, Apodemus agrarius and Mus musculus became predominant species. Conclusion The density of indoor and outdoor mice before and after water storage in Yichang Section of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area is obviously changed. Before and after water storage, the density of indoor and outdoor mice showed a downward trend, but increased significantly after water storage. Both the occurrence of rodents and the predominant rodents changed before and after water storage , Suggesting that we should continue to strengthen the monitoring of mice to provide decision-making basis for the effective prevention of the occurrence and prevalence of vector-borne diseases.
目的 评估中性粒细胞/淋巴细胞比率(NLR)在幕上自发性脑出血中的临床诊断价值.方法 本次研究人群仅限于年龄≥35岁的幕上自发性脑出血患者.研究中采用GOS评分量表量化临床结
一、 图式理论  图式理论是认知心理学家用来解释心理过程的一种方式。德国哲学家Kant 最早提出图式概念(schema),认为图式是连接概念和感知对象的纽带。  30年代初,英国著名的心理学家Barlett 在其著作中(Remembering)提出了图式理论。所谓图式是指每个人过去所获得的知识在头脑中贮存的方式,是大脑对过去经验的反映和积极组织,是被学习者贮存在记忆中的信息对新信息起作用的过程,以
一、生平介绍  李贽(1527-1602),号卓吾,又号笃吾,福建泉州人。中国明朝末年思想家、文学家、教育家。其父李白斋,为人豪爽、正直,反对“利口能言,以博取富贵”,见他人危难,即慷慨