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从事语言教学的人都难免碰到这样的问题,学生所生成的句子在用词,组句方面很大程度上具有本族语(source language)特性。对此,语言学家Selinker(1972)曾这样说:外语学生所运用的不是母语能力,也不是目的语(target language)能力,而是过渡性能力(transitional language)。它离开了本族语,可又没有达到那些目的语人的境界。学生所运用的语言被称之为中介语(interlanguage),Eugene Nida指出,所有的语言90%以上的根本结构相似。这种语言共性language universals有利于学生中介语的正迁移positive transfer然而随着语言深度的增加,母语与目的语的差异又会导致中介语的负迁移nagative transfer,更为甚者, Students engaged in language teaching are inevitably encountered such problems, the students generated sentences in the wording, group sentences to a large extent with the native language (source language) features. In this regard, the linguist Selinker (1972) once said: foreign language students are not using the native language ability, not the target language (target language) ability, but the transitional ability (transitional language). It left the native language, but did not reach the target language people’s realm. The language used by students is called interlanguage, and Eugene Nida notes that more than 90% of all languages ​​have similar underlying structures. However, with the increase of language depth, the difference between mother tongue and target language can lead to the negative transfer of interlanguage, and even worse,
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