Stem cells:two sides of the coin

来源 :第五届中美生物医学工程暨海内外生物力学学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanjingcj520
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Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs)have been widely used to promote the repair or regeneration of damaged tissues.In previous studies,we have developed several stem cells based strategies to promote the bone repair,which includes the BMP-2 gene medicine,construction of tissue engineering bone in bioreactor and clinical trial of enriched stem cell therapy.Among these studies,one challenge is to construct the tissue engineered bone at the large scale which face the problem of poor survivor of seeding cells in the scaffold interior.In our studies,the porousβ-TCP cylindrical scaffolds loading with MSCs were continuously perfused by a customized bioreactor(dynamic culture)at different flow rate or were immersed in Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been widely used to promote the repair or regeneration of damaged tissues. We have developed several stem cells based strategies to promote the bone repair, which includes the BMP-2 gene medicine, construction of tissue engineering bone in bioreactor and clinical trial of enriched stem cell therapy. Among these studies, one challenge is to construct the tissue engineered bone at the large scale which face the problem of poor survivor of seeding cells in the scaffold interior. In our studies, the porous β-TCP cylindrical scaffolds loading with MSCs were continuously perfused by a customized bioreactor (dynamic culture) at different flow rate or were immersed in
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