Analysis of Methods to Improve Senior High School English Writing

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  【Abstract】As an important English teaching stage, high school plays an important role in improving students’ English ability and cultivating their English language awareness, and plays a connecting role in the whole English teaching stage. Writing, as an important teaching content in English teaching, is of great help to the all-round application of students’ English knowledge.
  【Key words】High school English; Writing level; Promotion; Method
  Writing is an important part of English learning and occupies an important proportion in English curriculum learning. Therefore, students should pay attention to the improvement of writing level. In the specific writing process, they should master the correct writing methods and strengthen the comprehensive application of knowledge, so as to continuously improve students’ writing ability and strengthen the effect of English learning in senior high schools.
  First, the Status Quo of Senior High School English Students’ Writing
  At present, with the continuous development of quality education in our country, students pay more and more attention to the learning of high school English, and at the same time, they also pay attention to the improvement of comprehensive ability. Writing, as an important part of high school English, although students pay more attention to learning, its main purpose is to cope with the examination. Meanwhile, the students’ writing process is characterized by the same problem, and the students have formed a fixed thinking. Simultaneously, students still lack practicality in the writing process, which is mainly influenced by the language environment and cultural level. As a result, the writing level of students is not high.
  Second, strategies to improve the writing level of high school English students
  ( A ) to promote the innovative development of writing teaching
  The innovative development of writing teaching is also an important way to improve students’ English writing level. The so-called innovative development of writing teaching is essentially the innovation of teaching ideas and methods as well as the innovation of teaching resources. In senior high school English writing teaching, new teaching methods should be timely selected and applied in writing teaching. The new teaching methods generally have two advantages.First of all, the new teaching methods are instructive. Guiding in teaching can make students have a sense of exploration.The second, new teaching methods are generally based on new educational concepts, which can greatly enhance students’ interest in learning. Innovation at the level of teaching resources is the massive application of new teaching resources. In senior high school English writing teaching, the aim of enriching students’ writing knowledge can be achieved, thus promoting the improvement of students’ writing level, which is of great significance to the whole English teaching.   ( B ) to enhance students’ autonomy in learning
  Under the new educational concept, the improvement of students’ autonomous learning ability is very critical. Autonomous learning ability can have a profound impact on a person’s development. Of course, this impact is very positive. First of all, the ability of autonomous learning can stimulate students’ interest in learning to a great extent, while improving students’ interest in learning, it can also improve the effectiveness of teaching, so that the ideas of efficient learning and happy learning can be realized at the same time.Secondly, the improvement of autonomous learning ability greatly improves the learning ability of students, which is very beneficial to students’ development. In senior high school English writing teaching, the cultivation strategies of students’ autonomous learning ability are abundant. Teachers can conduct corresponding guidance and task arrangement to improve students’ autonomous learning ability and autonomous learning consciousness, thus improving students’ overall English writing level.
  In the process of high school English learning, students should attach great importance to English learning, especially English writing. They should take scientific and reasonable measures, master correct writing methods,reinforce the comprehensive application of knowledge, strengthen reflection on English writing, continuously improve English writing level and promote the all-round development of students.
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  [2]Zhou Qiwu.Teaching Methods to Improve Senior High School Students’ English Writing[J].Exam Weekly,2016(39):115.
【摘要】当今时代是互联网的时代,互联网的出现与发展带动了各种线上交际平台的发展,例如QQ、微信、邮箱等等,微信虽然面世要比QQ晚10年,但是丝毫没有影响到它快速深入到人们生活中的步伐。微信运用于中国每个家庭成员的联系,工作上的交流,甚至运用到了课堂教学和学校管理。  【关键词】微信;信息化教学;优点;缺点;策略  【作者简介】钟卢,宁波城市职业技术学院,讲师。  我国经济飞速发展,每个家庭成员几乎
【摘要】传统英语教学将非谓语动词划分为“to do”“V.-ing”和“V.-ed”三类的做法不利于学生的理解。笔者认为,英语非谓语动词应该分成四类,即动名词、不定式、现在分词和过去分词,其中,依据语法性质,动名词和不定式归为一组,现在分词和过去分词归为一组。这样,把具有同样语法性质的两类非谓语动词放在一起学习,有助于突出它们的共性,在学习过程中就可以把重心放在对比组内两种不同非谓语动词的差异性上
【摘要】我国的体育与国际交流日益频繁,这就对学习英语的要求变得越来越高。教师不能使用灌输式教育方式,这会极大打击学生的英语学习兴趣,进而出现厌恶英语的情绪,不利于教师开展教学工作,对专业运动员以后的英语学习起到极大的阻碍作用,也会影响其个人发展,这是整个社会所不能允许的。本文就专业运动员英语口语教学的问题进行分析,希望给有关工作人员参考资料。  【关键词】教学课堂;专业运动员;设计;英语口语  【
【摘要】中职院校的学生普遍认为英语学科的学习难度较大,英语成为中职教学体系中的一块短板。由于很多中职学生在以往的学习阶段并未打下良好的英语学习基础,所以在进入中职院校之后,英语学科的学习比较困难,中职英语教学的有效性难以得到保证,学生学习英语的积极性也不高。为了改变这样的教学现状,教师应结合教学实际,尝试通过翻转课堂的模式来提升中职英语教学的有效性。  【关键词】中职英语;翻转课堂模式;有效教学 
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【Abstract】The two modal verbs, shall and will, are so interlaced and inter-knitted in usage and meanings that comparison and contrast can be obviously summarized and reflected. In this essay, I will d
【摘要】本文结合高中英语词汇教学低效的现状,探讨借助可视化技术优化英语词汇教学的可行性,阐述在英语词汇教学中运用可视化技术来作为信息传递和加工的工具,能有效激发学生的英语词汇学习兴趣,有利于扩大学生的词汇量,并提升他们在语境中运用词汇的能力。  【关键词】高中英语;词汇教学;可视化  【作者简介】杨丽霞,阮锦芬,福建省柘荣县第一中学。  【基金项目】本文系福建省教育科学“ 十三五”规划2018年度