Rare case of intussusception in an adult with acute myeloid leukemia

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BESTWANGLOVE
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Intussusception is rarely reported in adult patients with acute leukemia. We report a case of intussusception in a 29-year-old woman with acute myeloid leukemia(AML). She developed right lower quadrant pain, fever, and vomiting on day 16 of induction chemotherapy.Physical examination showed tenderness and guarding at the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. Abdominal computed tomography(CT) showed distension of the cecum and ascending colon, which were filled with loops of small bowel, and herniation of the ileocecal valve into the cecum. We proceeded to laparotomy and revealed ileocecal intussusception with the ileocecal valve as the leading point. The terminal ileum was thickened and invaginated into the cecum, which showed gangrenous changes. Right hemicolectomy was performed and microscopic examination of the colonic tissue showed infiltration of leukemic cells. The patient recovered after the operation and was subsequently able to continue treatment for AML. This case demonstrates that the diagnosis of intussusception is difficult because the presenting symptoms can be non-specific, but abdominal CT can be informative for preoperative diagnosis. Resection of the involved bowel is recommended when malignancy is suspected or confirmed. Intussusception should be considered in any leukemia patients presenting with acute abdomen. A high index of clinical suspicion is important for early diagnosis. Intussusception is rarely reported in adult patients with acute leukemia. We report a case of intussusception in a 29-year-old woman with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). She developed right lower quadrant pain, fever, and vomiting on day 16 of induction . Physically examination showed tenderness and guarding at the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) showed distension of the cecum and ascending colon, which were filled with loops of small bowel, and herniation of the ileocecal valve into the cecum. We proceeded to laparotomy and revealed ileocecal intussusception with the ileocecal valve as the leading point. The terminal ileum was thickened and invaginated into the cecum, which showed gangrenous changes. Right hemicolectomy was performed and microscopic examination of the colonic tissue showed infiltration of leukemic cells. The patient recovered after the operation and did be able to continue treatment for AML. This case demonstrates that the diagnosis of intussusception is difficult because the presenting symptoms can be non-specific, but abdominal CT can be informative for preoperative diagnosis. Resection of the involved bowel is recommended when malignancy is suspected or confirmed. Intussusception should be considered in any leukemia patients presenting with acute abdomen. A high index of clinical suspicion is important for early diagnosis.
现今的小学教学,越来越注重学生综合素养的培养。写作是学生综合素養的体现,因此,教师必须予以重视。要提高学生的作文水平,必须重视对学生作文的评价。下面从“遵循发展性原则开展作文评价”“多元化、全员性评价”“遵循多维、开放的原则开展作文评价”三个方面简单阐述在小学作文教学中实现高效评价的相关策略。  一、遵循发展性原则开展作文评价  评价是为了提高学生的写作水平,因此,教师要利用发展性原则开展评价,即
本研究已连续进行3年.第一年在吉县、蒲县、安泽等7个县布了75个点,第二、三年固定在吉县川庄乡桑村.现将初步结果总结如下. This study has been carried out for three c
新材料作文能从不同角度立意,给学生提供了广阔的写作空间,但自由中有限制,是一种全新的写作形式。正因为写作角度宽泛,所以更考验学生的审题立意能力。因此,在高中语文教学中,教师在指导学生写新材料作文时,要注意培养学生的审题立意能力,让学生写出立意新颖,主题鲜明的作文。  一、整体审视,明确内涵  有些学生审题时不从材料整体出发,而是从某句话或者部分内容中提炼观点,这样写,即便提炼出的观点很新颖,也是偏
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摘 要:掌握概念要经历实验探究、科学思维加工、实际应用解决问题等.每个环节都关乎核心素养的内涵.核心素养下的概念教学,要求遵循概念的认知规律,凸显建构过程,建立理论与实践的联系,培养学生解决问题的能力,提高学生学科核心素养.  关键词:物理概念建构;物理概念应用;核心素养  文章编号:1008-4134(2020)12-0035 中图分类号:G633.7 文献标识码:B       