
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guao_jie
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结核病是严重危害小儿健康的慢性传染病,做好小儿结核病的防治工作,对于保障小儿身体健康具有重要意义。现将小儿结核病的几个问题简述如下。一、关于不同年龄阶段的小儿结核病的特点及其意义小儿结核病在不同年龄阶段各有其特点。婴儿期:由于组织器官分化不成熟,尤其是中枢神经系统发育未成熟,致使机体免疫功能差,抵抗力低下。该期特点为:①病情进展快;②干酪样坏死广泛,缺乏纤维包裹倾向;③易发生全身播散;④预后差,未经治疗的6个月以内的婴儿常易发生粟粒型结核及/或结核性脑膜炎, Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease that seriously endangers the health of children. It is very important to prevent and cure childhood tuberculosis and protect children’s health. A few of the problems in pediatric tuberculosis are summarized below. First, on the characteristics of different age stages of pediatric tuberculosis and its significance Pediatric tuberculosis in different age stages have their own characteristics. Infancy: due to immature tissue and organ differentiation, especially the immature development of the central nervous system, resulting in poor immune function, low immunity. The characteristics of this period are as follows: ① rapid progression of the disease; ② widespread caseous necrosis, lack of tendency of fiber wrapping; ③ easy to spread throughout the body; ④ poor prognosis, untreated infants less than 6 months are prone to miliary tuberculosis and / Or tuberculous meningitis,
各地著者分析流行性出血热(以下简写 EHF)病人的诊断结果,误诊率各不相同,但都很高。尤是非流行区城市综合医院诊治者多为重症晚期病例,临床症状复杂多样,医务人员对本病警
A ring fan is a propeller fan that applies an axial-flow impeller with a ring-shaped shroud on the blade tip side. In this study, the entire flow field of the r
Gaseous penetration technique was adopted to improve the electrical conductivity of BaTiO3 powders and the effects of penetration temperature on the structure a
吾人读史,常要叹服那些大仁大德的事,竟至于生杀大怨都轻轻放过,其雅量高致,非我等凡人所能及,也因此而能成不世之功勋。  壹  刘秀,性勤稼穑 ,老实本分,其兄刘縯个性刚强,为人豪爽讲义气,虽蜇居民间,但对王莽之夺汉家天下,常有不平之色, 怀复社稷之虑,不事家人居业,倾身破产,交结天下雄俊 。兄弟俩父母早亡,虽也是皇裔,但君子之泽,五世而斩,到他们那一辈,也就剩族谱上的辉煌了。在打点艰难困苦的日子里