
来源 :福建信息技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinyuewn
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2015年1月13日,福建信息职业技术学院与福建中辉文化旅游发展有限公司在龙腰校区综合楼五楼会议室签订校企战略合作协议。这是学院新校区落户平潭以来首次与当地企业签约开展实质性合作,也是学院推进校企合作、产教融合,服务平潭经济社会发展的重要举措。13日下午,福建中辉集团总裁助理杨挺先生一行,莅临学院洽谈建立校企战略合作并签署合作协议。学院党委书记齐学群、院长王萍辉、副院长张华、副院长姜平等院领导和科研处、相关教学系部负责人出席洽谈会。洽谈会由张华副院长主持。会上,张华副院长与中辉文化旅游发展有限公司常务副总经理张素娟女 On January 13, 2015, Fujian Institute of Information Technology and Fujian Zhong Hui Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. signed a strategic partnership agreement for school-enterprise cooperation at the conference room on the fifth floor of Longli Campus Comprehensive Building. This is the first time since the new campus of the college settled in Pingtan, it has signed substantive cooperation with local enterprises and is also an important measure for promoting the economic and social development of Pingtan through the cooperation between schools and enterprises as well as the integration of production and teaching. On the afternoon of the 13th, Mr. Yang Ting, Assistant to President of Fujian Zhonghui Group, and his entourage came to the school to discuss the establishment of strategic cooperation between school and enterprise and sign the cooperation agreement. Qi Xuequn, secretary of the party committee of the college, Wang Pinghui, dean of the college, Zhang Hua, vice dean of the school, and leaders and research institutes of the Jiangping Bureaus, vice president Jiang Pingyuan attended the fair. Zhang Hua, vice president presided over the fair. At the meeting, Zhang Hua, vice president and Zhong Hui Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. Zhang Sujuan, deputy general manager
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