The Behavior of New Hydrophilic Composite Bone Cements for Immediate Loading of Dental Implant

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuwu521
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We introduced the hydrophilic groups to acrylic bone cement to improve compliance and achieve more interdigitation between the bone and the acrylic bone cement in order to create better substrates for immediate loading. FTIR-ATR, contact angle, and maximum breach torque were employed for measurement. The results reveal that the introduction of hydrophilic functional groups has increased PMMA’s surface hydrophilicity after contact angle test. FTIR-ATR results suggest the hydrophilic groups participate in the polymerization reactions, and maximum breach torque of the hydrophilic acrylic bone cements is near 110 Ncm torque. Those effects make it possible for conventional acrylic bone cement application in immediate loading of dental implant. We introduced the hydrophilic groups to acrylic bone cement to improve compliance and achieve more interdigitation between the bone and the acrylic bone cement in order to create better substrates for immediate loading. FTIR-ATR, contact angle, and maximum breach torque were employed for measurement. The results reveal that the introduction of hydrophilic functional groups have increased PMMA’s surface hydrophilicity after contact angle test. FTIR-ATR results suggest the the hydrophilic groups participate in the polymerization reactions, and maximum breach torque of the hydrophilic acrylic bone cements is near 110 Ncm torque. Those effects make it possible for for conventional acrylic bone cement application in immediate loading of dental implant.
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