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在化学课的教学活动中,课堂教学是最重要的环节。因此,优化课堂教学、提高课堂教学效果,显得十分重要。启发式教学和达标教学是当今课堂教学的两大主流,同时又是化学教学大纲所强调要求的。本文结合笔者的教学实践,分析两者的不同点,试谈将启发式教学与达标教学相结合的教学实践体会。一、启发式教学与达标教学的比较启发式教学就是在教学过程中,通过激疑、引导、分析、归纳等步骤,来激发学生主动学习、主动思考,从而发展学生的智力,培养学生的能力。启发式教学能充分发挥教师的“主导”作用,体现学生的“主体”地位,师生双边活动活跃。启发式教 In chemistry teaching activities, classroom teaching is the most important part. Therefore, it is very important to optimize classroom teaching and improve classroom teaching effectiveness. Heuristic teaching and standard teaching are the two major mainstream of classroom teaching at the same time, which are also emphasized by the chemistry syllabus. Based on the author’s teaching practice, this article analyzes the differences between the two, and discusses the teaching practice of combining heuristic teaching with standard teaching. First, the heuristic teaching and compliance teaching Heuristic teaching is in the teaching process, through the steps of suspicion, guidance, analysis, induction and so on, to stimulate students to take the initiative to learn, take the initiative to think, so as to develop students ’intelligence and develop students’ abilities . Heuristic teaching can give full play to teachers’ “leading” role, reflecting the students “subject ” status, bilateral activities of teachers and students active. Heuristic teaching
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