倾一腔热血济世 注毕生精力育人——周信有教授传略及学术思想

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周信有(1921~),山东省牟平县人。现任甘肃中医学院教授,兼任张仲景国医大学名誉教授,光明中医函授大学总校顾问,甘肃省中医学会名誉理事、全国内经专业委员会顾问,甘肃省政协委员,北京飞达国际保健城医学专家理事会理事等职。周氏自幼从师习医,博闻强记,攻读刻苦。20岁时。经伪满政府考核,获中医师资格。40年代在安东市开设诊疗所挂牌行医,名噪一时。五十年代,曾先后担任安东市中医师公会会长,安东市联合中医院院长,安东市第二人民医院中医科主任等职。1960年调入北京中医学院《内经》教研室任教。1970年1月,为了支缓大西北中医事业,从首都北京来 Zhou Xin (1921 ~), Muping County, Shandong Province. He is now professor of Gansu College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, emeritus professor of Zhang Zhongjing National Medical University, consultant of Guangming University of Chinese Medicine Correspondence University, honorary director of Gansu Provincial TCM Institute, consultant of NECC, member of Gansu CPPCC National Committee, director of Beijing Feida International Health City Medical Expert Council Other staff. Zhou’s childhood practice from the doctor, Bo Wenqiang mind, studying hard. 20 years old. After the puppet government examination, Chinese medicine practitioners eligible. In the 1940s, a medical clinic was set up in Andong City to practice medicine for a long time. In the fifties, he served successively as president of the Association of Chinese Medicine of Andong City, president of Andong United Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, director of the department of traditional Chinese medicine of Andong Second People’s Hospital. In 1960 transferred to Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine “Nei Jing” teaching and research room. January 1970, in order to support the cause of Northwest Chinese medicine, from the capital Beijing
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