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  【Abstract】This article focuses on the topic of hippies to find out why they appear and what the influences of the group bring about. According to the analysis, it is found that various factors are contributed to hippies. Finally, some reflections are on this phenomenon.
  【Key words】Hippie; The Second World War; Vietnam War
  I. Introduction
  The word hippie came from hipster and was initially used to describe beatniks who had moved into New York City’s Greenwich Village and San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury district. The term hippie was first popularized in San Francisco by Herb Caen, who was a journalist for the San Francisco Chronicle. A hippie (or hippy) now refers to a member of a liberal counterculture, originally a youth movement that started in the United States and United Kingdom during the mid-1960s and spread to other countries around the world.
  II. Reasons for Hippies Appearing
  There are various causes contribute to the word. Politically, After the World War II, the global landscape was shared by USA and former Soviet Union. In Western Europe, Germany was segregated by the Berlin Wall. Notwithstanding WWII was ending, another one—Cold War just kicked off. Economically, in order to revive economy, the White House outlined a blueprint—The Marshall Plan—for rejuvenate the economy. But, the Soviet still adhered to the Planned Economy. As for military, the Vietnam War broke out after some 10 years of the end of the WWII, which is the direct reason to evoke hippies’ antagonism to the society. Moreover, in the year of 1962, due to the missiles which were set in Cuba, the tension was more ferocious. Given social conditions, in the 1960s, nearly all the Americans were shrouded by the turmoil. People should enjoy their peaceful life after the WWII, but they were involved in the continuous war again. The new landscapes totally change people’s view of the post war, more people resort to another way to enjoy their life.
  III. Influences
  Facts are self-evident. At that period, people are tired of war, what they want is peaceful life and a stable society. But the US government ignored citizens’ concerns and trapped in the Vietnam War. People got disappointed and intricate by the White House’s decision. And they lost themselves in the real society. An increasing number of people chose to escape from the noisy life. Hence they opted to demonstrate in the street, stayed outside rather than home, and chose love and peace in a camp rather than got a high salary in a company. More people gathered in Woodstock, they held music and art fair, they sang songs and danced, demanding no war, no interference. All people in that era were eager to live a life in the Utopia, where there would be no bleeding, no death and no misery of losing their intimates in the war. Hippie’s life style is regarded as a right choice to keep away from chaotic reality.   IV. Reflections
  Hippies are the people who want to escape from reality; they hated working and studying, rejected the industrial life but were just dressed chastely, longing for escaping from the real life.
  Hippies are like a new force daring to fight for their rights vs the authority. Western communities always highlight the right of freedom, having democratic life and being respected, but the history has always proved that all of those are but illusions. When different interests of different countries got confronted, all the rights disappeared, what is left is nothing but greed, hegemony and plunder. No matter how powerful the country will be, what the people want is peaceful life, without war, disputes, and fighting. So when all of their ideal life cannot get satisfied, they may rise to demonstrate, to fight for rights that they are endowed with.
  “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” This is a sentence from The Declaration of Independence which generations after generations are adhere to, which reveals that all people from the world have the right to pursue freedom, a democratic life and happiness. But reality has always gone against their ideas, which would leave them nothing but illusions.
  Democracy is still a long way for all the people, when we decide to pursue it, not only arduous efforts should we make, but also we must have resolution to fulfill it. Human beings have every right to live a well-off life mentally and physically. That’s the dream for all the people from the global village.
【摘要】错误分析理论起源于20世纪40-50年代。1967年,Pit Corder发表的"The Significance of Learners’Errors"标志着现代意义上的错误分析理论的诞生。错误分析被广泛应用于二语的教与学,自其产生之日起,关于是否纠错,何时纠错,谁来纠错,纠正哪些错误等问题一直未有一个统一的答案。本文尝试从如何对待错误、如何纠错、如何避免错误等方面进行了探讨。  【关键
【摘要】外语教育作为推动地区经济发展的一个重要因素,在淮安市区域经济发展过程中扮演着重要的作用。随着淮安市区域经济的发展,外语教育对于本市区域经济发展的影响将越来越明显。  【关键词】外语教育 区域经济 影响  一、语言经济学的基本理论和观点  语言经济学是一门研究语言与经济之间相互关系的交叉边缘学科。语言经济学的概念是由美国学者Jacob Marschak于1965年提出,认为语言与经济学有着密
在小学英语教学中,学生说话能力的培养是教学中非常重要的一部分内容。学习英语的目的就是为了能够让学生更加熟练的运用所学的语言。但在英语课堂上,很多学生由于语言知识掌握的不是很熟练,就不敢进行相关的英语对话,导致学生的说话能力不能得到提高。因此,在小学英语课堂教学中,必须重视学生口语能力的培养,让学生积极主动的参加到教学活动中来,从而改变学生不敢开口说话的行为。  一、营造和谐的课堂氛围,让学生敢于说
【摘要】教育孩子的核心理念是“一切为了每一位学生的发展”。理想的课堂教学是师生互动、心灵对话的舞台。作为一名教师,要一切以学生的发展为出发点、为核心,给学生的发展创造良好的条件,尊重学生的权益,重视学生的发展,发挥学生的潜能,发展学生的个性,使每个学生的潜能得到最大程度地发挥。  【关键词】自主学习 环境 主体  教育孩子的核心理念是“一切为了每一位学生的发展”。理想的课堂教学是师生互动、心灵对话
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