
来源 :招生考试通讯(高考版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jdalian1417
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从现在起到高考的生物复习可分为三个阶段来进行:第一阶段基础知识复习,重点在于熟读教材,牢记核心概念,高考真题、典型题做懂做透;第二阶段专题知识的复习与强化,重点在于依据教材构建知识网络,逐步提升知识运用能力;第三阶段综合强化训练,培养理综整体意识与应试技巧,同时不忘回归教材,查缺补漏。第一阶段基础知识复习“题在书外,理在书中”是近年来生物高考命题的一个重要原则,高考试题年年变,而解题所依据的基础知识却 From now on college entrance examination of biological review can be divided into three stages: the first phase of the basic knowledge review, focusing on reading materials, keep in mind the core concepts, the college entrance examination subjects, typical questions do thoroughly understand; the second phase of thematic knowledge Review and strengthen, the key is to build a knowledge network based on textbooks, and gradually enhance the ability to use knowledge; the third phase of the comprehensive training to enhance physical fitness and examination skills, at the same time did not forget to return to textbooks, missing gaps. The first phase of basic knowledge review “title in the book, reason in the book ” is an important principle in recent years college entrance examination proposition, college entrance examination questions every year, and the basis for solving the problem is
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