Molecular dynamics simulation of the deposition process of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon (DLC) fi

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The deposition process of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon (DLC) film greatly affects its frictional properties. In this study, CH3 radicals are selected as source species to deposit hydrogenated DLC films for molecular dynamics simulation. The growth and structural properties of hydrogenated DLC films are investigated and elucidated in detail. By comparison and statistical analysis, the authors find that the ratio of carbon to hydrogen in the films generally shows a monotonously increasing trend with the increase of impact energy. Carbon atoms are more reactive during deposition and more liable to bond with substrate atoms than hydrogen atoms. In addition, there exists a peak value of the number of hydrogen atoms deposited in hydrogenated DLC films. The trends of the variation are opposite on the two sides of this peak point, and it becomes stable when impact energy is greater than 80 eV. The average relative density also indicates a rising trend along with the increment of impact energy, while it does not reach the saturation value until impact energy comes to 50 eV. The hydrogen content in source species is a key factor to determine the hydrogen content in hydrogenated DLC films. When the hydrogen content in source species is high, the hydrogen content in hydrogenated DLC films is accordingly high. The deposition process of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon (DLC) film greatly affects its frictional properties. In this study, CH3 radicals are selected as source species to deposit hydrogenated DLC films for molecular dynamics simulation. The growth and structural properties of hydrogenated DLC films are investigated and elucidated in detail. By comparison and statistical analysis, the authors find that the ratio of carbon to hydrogen in the films generally shows a monotonously increasing trend with the increase of impact energy. Carbon atoms are more reactive during deposition and more liable to bond with the substrate atoms than hydrogen atoms. there exists a peak value of the number of hydrogen atoms deposited in hydrogenated DLC films. The trends of the variation are opposite on the two sides of this peak point, and it becomes stable when impact energy is greater than 80 eV. The average relative density also indicates a rising trend along with the increment of impact ene When hydrogen does not reach the saturation value until impact energy comes to 50 eV. When the hydrogen content in source species is high, the hydrogen content in hydrogenated DLC films is accordingly high.
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马连湘,1962年8月生,河北南宫人,1982年7月毕业于山东化工学院化工机械专业,获工学学士学位;1989年6月毕业于华中理工大 Ma Lianxiang, born in August 1962, a native of H
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摘要:针对如何优化英语课堂教学这一问题,笔者就设计学生作业方面提出自己的一些建议,同时,笔者认为高效的课堂还在于教师自身素质的提高。  关键词:英语教学;学生作业;业务素质  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)17-048-1一、合理设计教学,避免布置过于机械的作业  个别教师布置作业只是机械的抄写单词、词组。背书上的例句和背熟单词和词组固然很重要,因为高