Effect of low-intensity millimeter wave irradiation on the immune adhesion function of erythrocytes

来源 :中国临床康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanxoceco2003
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Objective To study the effects of low-intensity millimeter wave(MMW)irradiation on the immune adhesion f unction of ery-throcytes and lymphocytes in tumor patients.Methods MMW(36GHz,0.73-1.46mW/cm 2 )was used to irradiate the vein blood f rom tumor patients in irradiation group for 30minutes.Control group received fal se irradiation using the same method.Then test tumor RBC-C 3b receptor rosettes rate(RCR),tumor-RBC rosette rate(TRR)and tumor lmphocyte rosette rate(TLR).Result In irradiation group,the RBC-C 3b TRR and TLR were higher than control grou p’ s(P <0.01).Conclusion Low-intensity MMWirradiation can i mprove the immune adhesion function of erythrocytes and lymphocytes in tumor patients. Objective To study the effects of low-intensity millimeter wave (MMW) irradiation on the immune adhesion f unction of ery-throcytes and lymphocytes in tumor patients. Methods MMW (36 GHz, 0.73-1.46 mW / cm 2) was used to irradiate the vein blood f rom tumor patients in irradiation group for 30 minutes. Control group received fal se irradiation using the same method. Test tumor RBC-C 3b receptor rosettes rate (RCR), tumor-RBC rosette rate (TRR) and tumor lmphocyte rosette rate TLR) .Result In irradiation group, the RBC-C 3b TRR and TLR were higher than control grou p ’s (P <0.01) .Conclusion Low-intensity MMWirradiation can i mprove the immune adhesion function of erythrocytes and lymphocytes in tumor patients.
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